10. Commissioning and functional test
The gate s��ste� �ust be tested �or proper �unction after all o� the electrical connections have been establis-
hed and the suppl�� voltage has been turned on. To do this, activate each o� the sa�et�� contact edges one after
another and check the corresponding reactions o� the switching unit.
Following success�ul co��issioning, sa�et�� outputs are active. Actuation o� a sensor causes the respective
sa�et�� output to switch to the inactive state.
The sa�et�� s��ste� �ust be pro�essionall�� inspected at appropriate intervals. The inspection �ust
be docu�ented in such a wa�� as to be co�prehensible at all ti�es. The require�ents o� the plant/
�achine �anu�acturer are to be taken into account and �ollowed.
11. Error diagnosis
Onl�� the green LED �a�� illu�inate i� the suppl�� voltage has been correctl�� connected. I� the ��ellow or red
LED illu�inates, there is an error in the s��ste� which can be pinpointed with the aid o� the LED.
I� the FAULT CLOSING LED or FAULT OPENING LED illu�inates, there is an error in the s��ste�.
Green LED flashes
Internal error is indicated b�� the nu�ber o� pulses. According to the error
indicator, switch off the output, switch off the device or check the suppl�� voltage.
Actuation or error in the travelling SCE sa�et�� contact edge �or the closing
Actuation or error in the travelling SCE sa�et�� contact edge �or the opening
I� such an error is signalled, the connections o� the individual s��ste�
co�ponents (electronics, cores) should be inspected. I� the error is not
at the connections, the �unction o� the electronics can be tested b��
connecting an 8.2 kΩ resistor to each SCE input on the coil core. I� the
electronics work per�ectl�� after per�or�ing the test, the sa�et�� contact
edges �ust be checked using an oh�� eter. To do this, the respective
connection on the SCE �or the travelling coil core �ust be disconnected
and connected to an oh�� eter. The resistance �ust be 8.2 kΩ ± 500 Ω
when the SCE is inactive and �ust not exceed 500 Ω when it is active.
The �ost �requent causes o� these errors are bad coil core connections
and incorrectl�� installed cable s��ste� co�ponents. The �axi�u�
resistance value o� the cable loop �ust not exceed 3 Ω. The resistance
value can be �easured b�� disconnecting the steel cable �ro� the gate
lea� and then �easuring the resistance between the end o� the steel
cable and gate lea�.