It will be possi ble to c hange the phone numbers stored in listing by SMS fr om a r emote GSM; the remote phone has to be s tored on the s ystem
with direct access func tion "Y" (yes). Compos e a SMS as follows:
A333555666 (old number to be replaced)
The device will memorize the c hange and will consequentl y s end a SMS stating: CHANGE *333666888* C ARRIED OUT
It is recommendable to always take away the PIN from the SIM-card; i n cas e this should not be possible the PIN has to be changed i nto 1234.
Call on PSTN phone line - Note: the device r eplies only if the answering messag e no. 5 h as b een recorded: call the phone dialler and let
the phone ring from 1 to 3 ti mes, then hang up: in this way the device is able to answer the i ncoming calls automaticall y for 1 minute. Therefore
it is necessar y to call bac k within 1 mi nute, listen to the instruction message, enter USER CODE # (even during listening), and proceed with
the following possible c ommands :
digit 20 ∗ 1 # to switc h-on the relay TC1. Digit 21 ∗ 1 # to s witch-on the electric output TC2.
digit 20 ∗ 0 # to switc h-off the relay TC1. Digit 21 ∗ 0 # to s witch-off the electric output TC2.
digit 20 # to chec k the relay TC1 status (see remarks). Digit 21 # to c hec k TC2.
digit a number between 1 and 16 followed by ∗ 1 # to switc h-on via radio the 1-16 local r ecei vers RX2
digit a number between 1 and 16 followed by ∗ 0 # to s witc h-off vi a radi o the 1-16 local rec ei vers RX2
Call on GSM module: the same is al ways enabl ed to reply to incoming calls : it is necess ary to listen to the i nstruction mess age, to enter
USERCODE # even during listening (if the person who calls has direct acc ess it will not be nec essar y to enter the user code), and to proceed
with the following possible commands:
digit ∗ to access to ambiental listening and life conversati on (by means of remote device D eporter).
digit 20 ∗ 1 # to switc h-on the relay TC1. Digit 21 ∗ 1 # to s witch-on the electric output TC2.
digit 20 ∗ 0 # to switc h-off the relay TC1. Digit 21 ∗ 0 # to s witch-off the electric output TC2.
digit 20 # to chec k the relay TC1 status (see remarks). Digit 21 # to c hec k TC2.
digit a number between 1 and 16 followed by ∗ 1 # to switc h-on via radio the 1-16 local r ecei vers RX2
digit a number between 1 and 16 followed by ∗ 0 # to s witc h-off vi a radi o the 1-16 local rec ei vers RX2
The called user from the devic e al ways has direct access to remote operati on func tions .
The correct receipt of the different digits are confirmed by the following ac oustic tones:
arming – s witc hing-on
= 3 tones (beep-beep-beep)
disarming – switc hing-off
= 1 tone (beep)
RADIO-ARMING/DISARMING of a wir eless Silentron control unit: select one of the 16 radio channels (see par. 5.4 SETTING OF RADIO
CHANNELS), and programme it on the control unit itself in "remote c ontrol" modality, for instanc e channel 1: digiting 1 ∗ 1 # from remote will
arm the control unit, whereas 1 ∗ 0 # will disarm: technical SMS messages 4 and 5 will confirm the operation (of cours e onl y when they are
associated to the number c alling).
Call-obstruction from remote: when c alls are r ecei ved from Vocal phone the c ycle of s ubs equent calls may be interrupted by pressi ng # on the
phone which is c alled upon listening to the mess age and the BEEP of " mess age ended".
Closing the small JP-bridge on the PCB the display will always be lighted. Pay attenti on to an i ncreas e of the c onsumption of t he device with
55mA appr oximatel y with a c ons equent reduction of the autonomy in cas e of lac k of s uppl y.
6.8 CALL-OBSTRUCTION ON THE DEVICE: entering the user or installer c ode followed
by "CANC" calls in progress will be bloc ked.
Evolution Top DB) (see illustrated sc heme at the end of this manual)
By connec ting the two devic es as illustrated, with default programmi ngs of both the Voc alphone inputs and outputs with the exception of
output TC 2 which has to be programmed as bistable (see 5.4 SETTINGS... TC2) the followi ng will be obtai ned:
voc al message 1 of general alarm – opportunel y rec orded
bloc k of message 1 when the control panel is dis armed
possibility for arming the panel by phone, by calling the Voc alphone dialler (digit 21 ∗ 0 # upon Voc alphone ans wering – record the
command on vocal mess age 5). SMS 1 (to be opportunely written while programming) will confirm the ar ming.
possibility for disar ming the panel by phone, by calling the Vocal phone di aller (digit 21 ∗ 1 # upon Vocalphone ans wering – rec ord the
command on vocal mess age 5). SMS 2 (to be opportunely written while programming) will confirm the dis arming.
receipt of SMS 2 on your handy-phone also when the panel is disar med with remote c ontr ols or keypads.
ATTENTION ! : there mu st always be a connection GND to GND-terminal whatever kind of control panel and Vo calphone.
A333666888 (new number to be stored).