SETTING OF THE RADIO-CHANNELS: 16 different r adio-commands allow 16 operations through the same number of RX2 a/o other
receivers. The functioning of the commands may be of "Detector" type (one i mpulsive signal, possible timing on the rec ei ver) or of "Remote
Control" type (bistable on- off). In or der to programme the rec ei vers it is nec essar y to put them in selflearning condition, then press ↵ after having
set the type of c ommand to us e. Default program is as "Detector" type.
SETTING OF PSTN/GSM: it is possi ble to programme the functioning of the s ys tem with a priority traditi onal phone line and GSM in emergenc y
(default), or with priority GSM and traditional phone line in emergenc y.
ABSENCE SU PPLY OR TOT AL BLACK-OUT (depending on the supplying source): technical SMS 6 (GSM models) or voc al mess age 2
(models PSTN onl y) will indicate lac k of suppl y to all ass ociated numbers after a programmable lapse of ti me between 1 and 99 minutes . In
default this function is enabled: acti vating it by enter the number of minutes required.
In case the devic e should remain without any power suppl y even for a long time, not any reprogramming has to be made exc ept reset of date
and time.
PERIODICAL C ALL: technical message SMS 9 (GSM models) or voc al mess age 4 (models PSTN onl y) will periodically (between 1 and 999
hours) confirm existenc e of the s ystem to all ass ociated numbers. In default this func tion is not wor king: acti vating it enter the laps e of hours
SIM EXPIRY: technical mess age SMS 10 will inform all associ ated numbers about the inside SIM expir y. In default this functi on is not worki ng:
activating it enter the number of months (between 1 and 99) for prior notice.
POLARITY OF THE VOCAL START: the input ter minals of the electric c ommands of the vocal messages are programmed to work by opening
the c ontact (NC line i n positi ve or negative independentl y). It is possible to c hange operation as NO
POLARITY OF STOP THE VOCAL START: the input terminals of the el ectric commands of stop vocal messages are programmed to wor k by
closing the contac t (NC line in positi ve or negati ve independentl y). It is possi ble to programme the c ommand in NO modality: in this case the
input ter minal mus t be connected to a panel.
POLARITY OF THE SMS START: the input terminals of the el ectric commands of the vocal messages and relati ve bloc ks are programmed to
wor k by opening the contac t (NC line in negati ve). It is possi ble to change operation as NO
TIME/DATE: updating/modific ation function of ti me and date.
SW ITCHBOARD: in case of a switc hboard on the traditional phone line, enter a number (between 0 and 9) for access to the outside line: this
will avoid having to enter it befor e all schedul ed numbers. In case of bidirectional working it should be avoided to pass through the
switchboard and connect on the dir ect lin e.
USER CODE – INSTALL ER CODE: options for c hange of the start-up c odes
the "antiscanner" signal indicates the pres enc e of noise on both the DualBand frequencies in suc h way to compromise the s ystem. The
"super vision" signal originates l ac k of periodical trans mission by r adio from the memorized c ontrol unit. Enabling either one or both the func tions
technical message SMS 3 (GSM types) or vocal mess age 3 is s ent to all ass ociated numbers.
CANCELLATION OF PROGR AMMINGS: pay attention ! All installer programs will be eras ed by pressing ↵
6) OTHER VOCAL PHONE FUNCTIONS (different depending on the models)
6.1 TECHNICAL SMS m essages (memor y- stored and not modifiable – only models with GSM module)
SMS 1: batter y of di aller discharged - In the meantime the output C/BATT will be closed to GND
SMS 2: low batter y of control unit a/o peripheral units (onl y with Silentron wireless c ontrol units)
SMS 3: RF noises or failed radio alarm s uper vision (onl y with Silentron wireless c ontrol units)
SMS 4: arming of a Silentron wireless c ontrol unit – the message is sent onl y to confirm a command by phone from the outside
SMS 5: disarmi ng of a Silentron wirel ess control unit – the mess age is sent onl y to confirm a command by phone from the outside
SMS 6: mai ns or power s upply blac k-out
SMS 7: i nsufficient GSM-covering for over 15 min. - In the meantime the output GSM FIELD will be closed to GND
SMS 8: none of the calls made on PSTN line was succ essful
SMS 9: periodical super vision c all
SMS 10: SIM expiry
For testing the s ystem the user/ins taller code has to be entered followed by key ↑ , then digit the phone number on which to send either the
voc al or the SMS message, then s elect either PSTN or GSM network; in default tes t conditi on vocal mess age 4 will be s ent. The s peaker phone
will be enabled during TEST.
Access to the historical file is obtai ned by entering the installer/us er code followed by key ↓ . The historical file lists date, ti me and name of the
call + call-result (OK: received call, NO: failed repl y, OC: bus y) of the mos t recent 50 calls, underlining possible lac k of GSM-field, abs enc e of
PSTN line, changes occurred from remote etc . Further more there ar e indicati ons regarding leaving ( ) or incoming ( ) calls, and type of c all
SMS (S) or voc al (V), is visualized.
Either by pressi ng key ESC or after a 1 min.-lapse the device will retur n to stand-by condition.