The reader can be installed on Bticino Magic frames using the adapter provided on Simon Urmet nea
frames. Optional adapter frames for other wiring systems are available.
NOTE: Multiple readers can be installed side by side providing their address number is sequential (reader
1, reader 2, etc.
WARNING: In accordance with EN50131 standards, the readers installed outside the protected spaces
must be protected by devices to prevent tampering. The absence of the tamper results in the loss of
EN50131 certification.
The tamper protection devices (tamper) 1069/406 must be used for the Simon Urmet nea cover frames.
A 4-wire bus is used to connect to the control panel.
The total length of all bus stretches must not exceed 400 m.
The device has two freely programmable alarm inputs.
The two inputs are provided closed with two different colour wires as standard.
The yellow wire identifies input 1, the green wire identifies input 2.
Connect the tamper of input 1 of the reader (yellow wire: cut the wire and
connect the two pieces to the tamper). TAMPER is the default factory setting.
Connect another device, if required, to input 2 (green wire: cut the wire and
connect the two pieces to the device).