SilverStone FORTRESS Serie Manuel
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour SilverStone FORTRESS Serie

  • Page 2: Table Des Matières

    Installation and system optimization guide: The following manual and guides were carefully prepared by the SilverStone engineering team to help you maximize the potential of your SilverStone product. Please keep this manual for future reference when upgrading or performing maintenance on your system. A copy of this manual can also be downloaded from our website at:
  • Page 3 FT02 FORTRESS SERIES Advancing computer chassis construction and thermodynamics 4.5mm aluminum unibody frame, 0.8mm steel body SSI CEB, ATX (maximum 12” x 11”), Micro ATX SST-FT02B (black) SST-FT02S (silver) Model No. SST-FT02B-W (black + window) SST-FT02S-W (silver + window) 5.25" x 5 3.5"...
  • Page 5: Installation Guide

    lnstallation Guide Before you begin, please make sure that you (1) have all components collected (2) check that all components do not have compatibility problems with each other or with the case (3) if possible, assemble the components outside the case first to make sure they are working (4) keep the motherboard manual ready for reference during installation.
  • Page 7 lnstallation Guide Install PSU into the case as shown (two orientations are available in A or B), use screw C to secure the PSU 4.5. Route the PSU strap around the PSU and through to the corresponding hole on the motherboard tray to tighten the PSU Installieren Sie das Netzteil wie dargestellt im Gehäuse (in A oder B sind zwei Ausrichtungen verfügbar), befestigen Sie das Netzteil mit Schraube C.
  • Page 8 lnstallation Guide Take the included PSU holder from Выньте из коробки с аксессуарами the accessory box and secure it прилагаемый держатель блока with screw C to the case питания и привинтите его к корпусу с помощью шурупа С. Nehmen Sie die mitgelieferte 從零件盒內取出電源支撐架, Netzteilhalterung aus dem 再用SCREW C 鎖固於機身。...
  • Page 9 lnstallation Guide Push the 5.25” tool-less buttons to “unlock” С помощью отвертки удалите position,then insert an optical drive or other стальные пластины на отсеке для 5.25” device into the case and align its bezel 5,25-дюймового дисковода, затем to the front panel нажмите...
  • Page 10 lnstallation Guide Remove the hard drive tray as shown Выньте корзину для жесткого диска, как показано на рисунке. Nehmen Sie den Festplatteneinschub 請依圖示將硬碟托盤取出。 wie abgebildet heraus. Retirez le support à disques durs 请依图标将硬盘托盘取出。 comme montré Quite la bandeja para discos duros 図のようにハードディスクドライブト...
  • Page 11 lnstallation Guide Insert the completed hard drive tray Вставьте корзину с жестким диском в back into the case (additional CP05 корпус (приобретите дополнительные adapters can be purchased separately адаптеры CP05, чтобы получить to make all SATA hard drives возможность горячего подключения hot-swappable) жестких...
  • Page 12 lnstallation Guide Use screw A to secure the 2.5” hard С помощью шурупа A закрепите drive to the bracket 2,5-дюймовый жесткий диск в кронштейне. 請依圖示用SCREW A,將2.5寸硬碟鎖固於 Sichern Sie die 2,5-Zoll-Festplatte 2.5寸硬碟架。 mit Schraube A an der Halterung. Utilisez une vis de type A pour fixer 请依图标用SCREW A,将2.5寸硬盘锁固于...
  • Page 13 lnstallation Guide Insert all standoffs to corresponding Вставьте все опоры в соответствующие holes on the motherboard tray as отверстия лотка для материнской платы, required by your motherboard, then затем поместите материнскую плату на place the motherboard on the standoffs опоры и закрепите шурупом С. and secure it with screw C Stecken Sie die Abstandshalter gemäß...
  • Page 14 lnstallation Guide After all wires and cables are connected После подключения всех проводов и and routed, place the side panels back кабелей верните на место боковые onto the case and secure with thumb панели корпуса и закрепите винтами с screws removed from step 2 рифленой...
  • Page 15: Connector Definition

    Connector definition (1) Front panel connector installation Power switch and reset switch installation guide: LED connector installation guide: Please refer to the motherboard manuals for the motherboard’s “Front Panel Please refer to the motherboard manuals for the motherboard’s “Front Panel Connector”...
  • Page 16: Front I/O Connector Guide

    A continuación se detallan los pines para conectores E/S frontales, compruebe también por favor el manual de su placa base para cotejar los pines E/S frontales de la misma. Los conectores E/S de SilverStone son del tipo bloque para simplificar la instalación.
  • Page 17 For liquid cooling, the maximum thickness allowed for radiator is 30mm when 10.5” expansion cards are installed and 60mm when 9” cards are installed. Please remove 180mm fan filters as Снимите фильтры 180-мм вентилятора, shown then remove the four 3*8 screws как...
  • Page 18 Remove 180mm fan bracket from the Выньте из корпуса кронштейн 180-мм case then unscrew the eight screws вентилятора, затем открутите двенадцать holding the fan grille to the fan шурупов, с помощью которых решетка крепится к вентилятору. 請依圖示抽出180風扇架, Entfernen Sie die Halterung des 並鬆開8顆鎖固180風扇護網的螺絲。...
  • Page 19 Secure the radiator onto the fans as Закрепите радиатор поверх shown вентиляторов, как показано на рисунке. 請依圖示將水冷排鎖固於風扇上。 Befestigen Sie den Kühler wie dargestellt an den Lüftern. 请依图示将水冷排锁固于风扇上。 Fixer le radiateur sur les ventilateurs comme montré Fije el disipador a los ventiladores 図のようにラジエターをファンに固定...
  • Page 20 Insert fan filters back into the fan Вставьте фильтры вентилятора обратно bracket, please make sure the filters в кронштейн вентилятора. Убедитесь, are in the correct orientation что фильтры правильно ориентированы. 請將180風扇濾網插入風扇架, Stecken Sie die Lüfterfilter wieder in 注意180風扇濾網插入時的方向性。 die Lüfterhalterung; achten Sie auf die korrekte Ausrichtung der Filter.
  • Page 21: Component Size Limitations

    Component size limitations The FORTRESS FT02 was designed to accommodate oversize components, but we still recommend to refer to the following dimension guidelines: Das FORTRESS FT02 wurde so entworfen, dass es übergroße Komponenten aufnehmen kann; dennoch empfehlen wir die Einhaltung der folgenden Abmessungsrichtlinien: Le FORTRESS FT02 a été...
  • Page 22 Graphic card/expansion card length limitation FT02 can support 12” consumer level graphics cards. Graphic card length reference: NVIDIA GeForce GTX260/275/280/285/295 - 10.5“ NVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX/9800GTX+ - 10.5“ AMD Radeon HD 4870X2 - 10.5 " NVIDIA Geforce GTS250 - 9” NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT/9600GT/GTO - 9" AMD Radeon HD 4890/4870/4850 - 9 "...
  • Page 23 Standard SSI-CEB server motherboard can fit inside FT02 and mount its Xeon coolers to the motherboard tray Obwohl der FORTRESS FT02 nicht zur Verwendung von Extended-ATX-Motherboards entworfen wurde, ermöglicht der Platz im Gehäuseinneren die Installation eines Motherboards mit einer Breite von bis zu 28 cm. Hochmoderne Motherboards, wie z. B. ASUS’...
  • Page 24 FT02雖然尚未支援到E-ATX主機板,但是內部的空間允許最大寬度到11”的主機板。因此我們的主機板螺柱設計到支援SSI-CEB規格的雙CPU主 機板。而一般玩家級ATX主機板也有像ASUS Rampage II Extreme或EVGA X58 SLI Classified深度達到10.6”,超過正常9.6”的尺寸。一般ATX 機殼是不一定能安裝的。而FT02是可以正常支援沒問題的。 FT02虽然尚未支持到E-ATX主机板,但是内部的空间允许最大宽度到11”的主机板。因此我们的主机板螺柱设计到支持SSI-CEB规格的双CPU主 机板。而一般玩家级ATX主机板也有像ASUS Rampage II Extreme或EVGA X58 SLI Classified深度达到10.6”,超过正常9.6”的尺寸。一般ATX 机壳是不一定能安装的。而FT02是可以正常支持没问题的。 193mm (including connetor) Optical drive depth and 7th slot limitation If the 7th expansion slot is used, the maximum depth for optical drive including the connector is 193mm.
  • Page 25 Top cover limitation 70mm The gap between I/O and top cover is 70mm Acceptable connector Unacceptable connector...
  • Page 26: Recommended Cooling Device Setup & Selection

    Recommended cooling device setup and selection If you are installing a tower-style CPU Если вы устанавливаете башенный кулер cooler, we recommend that the CPU ЦП, то мы рекомендуем установить его fan blows upward to work with FT02’s таким образом, чтобы воздушный поток overall airflow вентилятора...
  • Page 27 Geschwindigkeit, „H“ eine hohe Geschwindigkeit an. ) SilverStone bietet zudem drei Modelle der 180 mm-Lüfter zum separaten Verkauf; mit diesen können Sie Ihr System aufrüsten oder alte Lüfter ersetzen: Le FT02 possède trois ventilateurs principaux de 180mm qui peuvent être réglés avec 2 vitesses, 700 tr/min ou 1000 tr/min. Les vitesses ont été conçus pour une utilisation silencieuse ou performante.(Guide des interrupteurs des ventilateurs de 180mm“L”...
  • Page 28 1000rpm per massimizzare le prestazioni di raffreddamento.(“L” indica lo stato di basso regime di rotazione, “H” indica lo stato di alto regime di rotazione Silverstone ha in catalogo 3 differenti modelli di ventole da 180mm, utilizzabili come sostituzione od aggiornamento: У трех основных 180-мм вентиляторов FT02 регулируется скорость вращения, она может быть 700 или 1000 об./мин. Скорости соответствуют...
  • Page 29: Upgrade And Maintenance

    Upgrade and maintenance (1)Fan removal guide If you need to replace, clean, or upgrade the fan, please follow the steps below Please remove 180mm fan filters as Снимите фильтры 180-мм вентилятора, shown then remove the six 3*8 screws как показано на рисунке, затем открутите holding the 180mm fan bracket шесть...
  • Page 30 Remove 180mm fan bracket from the Выньте из корпуса кронштейн 180-мм case then unscrew the twelve screws вентилятора, затем открутите holding the fan grille to the fan двенадцать шурупов, с помощью которых решетка крепится к вентилятору. Entfernen Sie die Halterung des 180 mm-Lüfters vom Gehäuse, lösen Sie anschließend die zwölf Schrauben, die das Lüftungsgitter am Lüfter halten.
  • Page 31 An example of a GPU cooler that is filled with dust and has lost most of its cooling performance FT02’s positive air pressure design is an effective configuration that will reduce dust buildup inside the case. Small air particles or lint will accumulate over time on FT02’s intake filters instead of on the components inside the case.
  • Page 32 Power supply filter removal guide: Инструкция по демонтажу фильтра Please press on the two power supply БП: нажмите на два стопора filter tabs as shown in illustration ”1”, фильтра блока питания, как показано then pull them out to remove filter from на...
  • Page 33 ClearCMOS FT02 supports SST-CLEARCMOS installation on a designated part of the case, please see example below: Das FT02 unterstützt die SST-CLEARCMOS-Installation an einem dazu vorgesehenen Teil des Gehäuses; bitte halten Sie sich an das nachs tehende Beispiel: Le FT02 est compatible avec l'installation du SST-CLEARCMOS dans une partie spéciale du boîtier, voici un exemple ci-dessous: La FT02 acepta la instalación de la SST-CLEARCMOS en cierta parte de la caja, por favor vea el siguiente ejemplo: FT02 supporta l’installazione, in una specifica zona del case, di SST-CLEARCMOS, come da esempio seguente: В...
  • Page 34 SATA hot-swap You can purchase additional CP05 adapters to enable SATA hard drive hot-swap. There is already one included in the case, with four more slots available for further installation. Please note the following points if you decide to utilize the hot-swap functionality: A.
  • Page 35 E’ possible acquistare separatamente adattatori CP05 per abilitare la funzione hot-swap per gli hard disk SATA. Uno è compreso negli accessori del case, ma sono presenti altri quattro slot che possono essere utilizzati con l’adattatore in oggetto. Leggere con attenzione i seguenti punti se si desidera utilizzare la funzionalità...
  • Page 36 Issue date: September, 2009 G11210830...

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