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SilverStone Grandia Serie Manuel
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Sommaire des Matières pour SilverStone Grandia Serie

  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com GD05...
  • Page 2 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Installation and system optimization guide: The following manual and guides were carefully prepared by the SilverStone engineering team to help you maximize the potential of your SilverStone product. Please keep this manual for future reference when upgrading or performing maintenance on your system.
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com GD05 A powerful, quiet, and versatile HTPC chassis for all occasions Aluminum skin over plastic front panel, 0.8mm SECC body Micro ATX, Mini-DTX, Mini-ITX SST-GD05B (Black) Model No. 5.25" x 1 3.5" x 2 , 2.5” x 1 or 3.5" x 1 , 2.5” x 2 Right Side 1 x 120mm intake fan, 1200rpm, 20dBA Also compatible with 80mm fan...
  • Page 4 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 3.5” x 2, 2.5” x 1 or 3.5 x 1, 2.5” x 2 TOP COVER 12025 FAN x 1 8025 FAN x 2(OPTION) PS2 PSU(OPTION) MICRO ATX M/B(OPTION) 12025 FAN x 2 POWER BUTTON RESET BUTTON USB2.0 x 2 +SPK+MIC 5.25”BAY...
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Before you begin, please make sure that you (1) have all components collected (2) check that all components do not have compatibility problems with each other or with the case (3) if possible, assemble the components outside the case first to make sure they are working (4) keep the motherboard manual ready for reference during installation.
  • Page 6 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Unscrew two screws from the center Открутите два шурупа на brace to remove it. центральной скобе и выньте ее. Lesen Sie die beiden Schrauben an 鬆開中支架2顆螺絲,卸下中支架 der mittleren Halterung, nehmen Sie die Halterung heraus.
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Install power supply into the case, if the power supply is a little too deep, please install at an angle as shown in illustration A and B. (If the power supply is deeper than 160mm, please first remove the left case fan during installation) (For more information regarding power supply size limitations, please refer to the component guide in later pages) Bauen Sie das Netzteil in das Gehäuse ein;...
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Insert the I/O shield included with Установите заглушку для разъёмов your motherboard, then install the задней панели материнской платы, motherboard into the case прилагаемую к материнской плате, затем установите материнскую плату в корпус. Setzen Sie das mit Ihrem Motherboard 塞入I/O彈片,裝入主機板...
  • Page 9 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide T h e t r a y a r e a s a r o u n d t h e Вокруг материнской платы предусмотрено motherboard have many small большое количество маленьких pass-through holes that can be used сквозных...
  • Page 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Now carefully count and separate the Теперь аккуратно пересчитайте и отделите required power cables for your hard drive, друг от друга силовые кабели для жесткого optical drive, and graphics card. Place the диска, оптического...
  • Page 11 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Install and secure required Вставьте и закрепите карту expansion cards расширения. Installieren und fixieren Sie 安裝並鎖固介面卡 benötigte Erweiterungskarten. Installez et fixez les cartes 安装并锁固介面卡。 d'extensions nécessaires Instale y fije las tarjetas de 必要な拡張カードをインストールし、...
  • Page 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 13 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Reinstall hard drive bracket back Вставьте кронштейн жесткого into the case диска обратно в корпус. Bauen Sie die Festplattenhalterung 將硬碟架裝回機殼 wieder in das Gehäuse ein. Réinstallez le casier à disques 请将硬盘架装回机箱。 durs dans le boîtier Reinstale el bracket del disco duro ハードドライブブラケット...
  • Page 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com lnstallation Guide Place the top cover back onto the Установите на место верхнюю case and secure with three screws. крышку корпуса и закрепите ее тремя шурупами. Setzen Sie die obere Abdeckung 請將上蓋板蓋回去,並鎖固三顆螺絲 wieder auf das Gehäuse auf, fixieren Sie die Abdeckung mit drei Schrauben.
  • Page 16 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Connector definition (1) Front panel connector installation Power switch and reset switch installation guide: LED connector installation guide: Please refer to the motherboard manuals for the motherboard’s “Front Panel Connector” or “ Please refer to the motherboard manuals for the motherboard’s “Front Panel System Panel Connector”...
  • Page 17 A continuación tiene la definición de pines de los conectores frontales de E/S, también debe consultar el manual de su placa base para comprobar la referencia de los pines para E/S frontales. Los conectores de E/S de SilverStone son de bloque para simplificar la instalación.
  • Page 18 120mm. If a silent CPU cooling solution is required, we recommend using the SilverStone NT01-E in fanless configuration for 65W rated or lower CPUs. Wenn Sie ein optisches Laufwerk verwenden, darf der CPU-Kühler beim GD05 maximal 70 mm hoch sein. Falls kein optisches Laufwerk installiert wird, können Sie CPU-Kühler mit einer Höhe bis 120 mm verwenden.
  • Page 19 Das Ablegen nicht benötigter Kabel an den dafür vorgesehenen Stellen wirkt sich nicht negativ auf Stabilität und Luftzirkulation aus. Je nach Konfiguration Ihres Systems empfehlen wir die folgenden, nicht-modularen SilverStone-Netzteile: OP1000-E, ST70EF, ST50F und ST40NF. (Ein Netzteil mit 650 mm langen EPS 12 V-Kabeln (8-polig) oder ATX 12 V-Kabeln (4-polig) wird dringend empfohlen.)
  • Page 20 Хранение кабелей в предназначенных для них местах не влияет на структуру корпуса и воздушный поток. В зависимости от используемых компонент мы рекомендуем следующие немодульные блоки питания "SilverStone": OP1000-E, ST70EF, ST50F и ST40NF. (Настоятельно рекомендуется использование блока питания с 650-миллиметровым 8-контактным кабелем EPS12В или 4-контактным ATX12В.)
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 22 слота для 80-мм вентиляторов. Мы рекомендуем модель SilverStone SUSCOOL81. Silverstone ha incluso nel GD05 3 ventole da 120mm a bassa rumorosità. Le ventole sono scelte in base al più alto livello qualitativo e la minima rumorosità. Se desiderate incrementare l’espulsione d’aria nei pressi della CPU, sono presenti 2 sedi ove è possibile montare altrettante ventole aggiuntive da 80mm.
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Cleaning of fan filters on a regular basis is highly recommended GD05’s positive air pressure design is an effective configuration that will reduce dust buildup inside the case. Small air particles or lint will accumulate over time on GD05’s intake filters instead of on the components inside the case.
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Fan and fan filter disassembly guide If you need to change fans, clean filters, or upgrade a fan, please refer to the following steps: 1.Refer to the case installation guide to properly remove the drive bracket, then loosen the fan screws to remove the fans. 2.Loosen the screws holding the fan filter to the fan to remove the fan filter 3.To remove the power supply fan filter, flip the case upside-down then loosen the screws holding the fan filter to remove it.
  • Page 25 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Dual purpose space There is a dual purpose space located above the power supply area, it can be used for either of the two following application: A.Installation of a 3.5” hard drive B.Installation of a slot device or short expansion card such as extra motherboard I/O, fan controller, or daughter board (e.g. ASUS Xonar HDAV1.3) plus one 2.5”...
  • Page 26 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Expansion card removal guide Although GD05’s interior space is designed tightly, you can still install expansion cards without having to remove other brackets. Please refer to the following scenarios: (with the top cover already removed) If the rear hard drive’s cables are blocking the left expansion card, please first unplug the hard drive cables then proceed to remove/install the expansion card.
  • Page 27 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com (with the top cover already removed) If the expansion card on the right side is blocked by the card to the left, please first remove the card on the left side to allow the card on the right side to be removed without taking the center brace off the case.
  • Page 28 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com October, 2009 NO: G11210880...

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Grandia gd05