Getting Started With StarOffice
To start the preinstalled StarOffice software, click the StarOffice icon on the CDE
desktop task bar, as shown at left.
You can also start StarOffice by typing a command:
To start the English version of StarOffice, type
To start the other available languages, type
where language is one of the available language versions for the application:
dutch, french, german, italian, portuguese, spanish, or swedish.
Note – The first time you start StarOffice, the application will prompt you to select
an installation method. Select "Standard Workstation Installation."
For details about using StarOffice software, refer to the application's built-in help
system. You can also order a full product media kit that includes user
documentation and the software on CD from the following web site:
Note – If you need to restore the StarOffice software, you can download the latest
version from the following web site:
Note – Support for StarOffice is not included with your hardware purchase.
StarOffice software support services must be contracted separately. For the latest
information on StarOffice support services, see the following web site:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free and freely distributable software program that
allows you to view and print Portable Document Files Format (PDF) files. PDF is a
file format that allows you view and print a file exactly as the author designed it
without needing to have the same application or fonts used to create the file.