Trouble shooting
System messages
The wheel balancer can show
messages to the
operator. These may be error related (E-codes) (e.g.-
Figure 7-1) or warnings (H-codes). The codes will be
described in the following chapters.
Whenever a code appears:
• make a note of it;
• look up the code in the list. If the code is not
described, call service team;
• perform the steps described.
7.1.1 E-Codes / H-codes
Wheel guard is not closed.
The gauge for measuring the distance and diameter
is not in the home position.
Compensation range was exceeded.
(Clamping means with excessive imbalance).
Press the STOP key.
Check the clamping means and repeat the
compensation run.
The calibration weight was not attached for calibration.
Press the STOP key.
Repeat calibration.
Valve position was not set (message only appears with
balancing optimisation / weight minimisation program).
Position the valve so that it is exactly perpendicular to
and above the main shaft and press the F1 key.
Optimisation / minimisation was not carried out
1. Wheel was not exactly centred on clamping means
for at least one run.
2. Tyre was not centred on rim for at least one run.
3. Valve position was not set and acquired correctly
at least once.
4. Wrong reference mark (single or double) was used
when readjusting the tyre.
5. Wheel moved on clamping means during a
measuring run (sudden start or braking).
6. Wheel dimensions were not set correctly.
Repeat optimisation.