Check spin
It is good practice to perform a check spin after applying
the weights.
• Spin the wheel.
Having fi nished the Test Run, if the wheel is balanced
correctly, both the numerical indicators should indicate
0 and an OK should be displayed (Fig. 5-25).
If there is no OK reading, dynamic unbalances below
the tolerance limit (suppression preset to 3.5 g) add to
a static unbalance above the tolerance limit.
To check how much imbalance is left:
• Select the FINE key, F3 (Fig. 5-25a).
The operator should decide if applying the
stated weight is necessary.
Results recalculation
After spinning a wheel it is possible to enter new rim
data or select another weight mode. The results are
recalculated automatically, if possible.
Selecting another weight mode
• Between NORMAL, ALU and STATIC: no additional
steps required.
To have a recalculation done:
• Select the required weight mode. Check and/or edit
rim or plane data when necessary.
• Rotate the wheel to the left plane WAP position and
apply the weight.
• Rotate the wheel to the right plane WAP position
and apply the weight.
• Perform a check spin.