Basic Operation
Hotkey Beeper Control
When performing a keyboard hotkey command, a beeper sounds to indicate that the command is taking place. This beeper
sound can be toggled on/off by performing the following command:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Press and release the [B] key
Disable Port-Switching Hotkeys
By default, Port-Switching Hotkeys are available that allow you to switch between ports. To disable the Port Switching Hotkeys
and require the front-panel push buttons to be used for switching functions, do the following:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Press and release the [x] key and then press and release the [Enter] key
Firmware Upgrade Mode
The B004-HUA4-K firmware can be upgraded as updates become available on Tripp Lite's website (see the Firmware
Upgrade section in this manual for details). In order to perform a firmware upgrade, Firmware Upgrade Mode must first be
initiated. To initiate Firmware Upgrade Mode, do the following:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Key in the text upgrade
3. Press and release the [Enter] key
The LEDs on the front of the KVM flash to indicate that Firmware Upgrade Mode has been initiated.
Restore Default Settings
To restore the KVM to its factory default settings, do the following:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Press and release the [R] key, and then press and release the [Enter] key
Video Sync
Video Sync allows the KVM to store the monitor's EDID (Extended Display Identification Data), which helps to ensure that the
optimal video settings are being used. To initiate a Video Sync, do the following:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Press and release the [D] key
Alternative Push-Button Command
Pressing one of the push buttons on the front of the KVM will bring the focus of one of the following to the corresponding port:
KVM only, USB only, Audio only or KVM, Audio and USB focus simultaneously. There are two sets of pushbutton commands,
Default and Alternative (see the Manual Push Buttons section of the manual for details). To toggle between these two, do
the following:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Press and release the [S] key
Mouse Emulation
By default, Mouse Emulation is enabled. To toggle mouse emulation on/off, do the following:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Press and release the [M] key
SPC Mode
The keyboard/mouse can be set to work under special operating systems as a standard (104 key) keyboard/mouse. To turn
SPC Mode on/off, do the following:
1. Activate Hotkey Setting Mode using the aforementioned command
2. Press and release the [F1] key