• Non smontare il manometro in nessuna circostanza.
• Conservare lo strumento completo nella custodia fornita, per mantenere puliti
il padiglione e tutte le altre parti.
• Condizione di temperatura di stoccaggio: Da -20°C a 70°C con umidità
relativa dell'aria dell'85% (senza condensa).
• Pulire il manometro e la pompa a bulbo con un panno umido.
La sterilizzazione non è necessaria, poiché le parti non entrano in contatto
diretto con il corpo del paziente.
• Rimuovere prima la camera d'aria e pulire il velcro, la camera d'aria e i tubi
con un panno umido. Il bracciale può essere lavato con sapone e acqua
fredda come tutti gli altri bracciali, ma è necessario risciacquare i bracciali
con acqua pulita e lasciarli asciugare all'aria.
Thank you for purchasing this fine quality instrument, which will allow you to
monitor your blood pressure easily and effectively anywhere and at any lime!
What is Blood Pressure?
Blood Pressure is a measurement of the pressure of the blood flowing against
the walls of the arteries. Arterial blood pressure is constantly changing during
the course of the cardiac cycle. The highest pressure in the cycle is called the
systolic blood pressure. The lowest is the diastolic blood pressure; the both rea-
dings are necessary to enable you to evaluate the status of your blood pressure.
Many factors such as physical activity, anxiety, or the lime of day, can influence
your blood pressure, Blood pressure is typically low in the morning but high from
afternoon to evening. II is lower in the summer but higher in the winter.
What is normal blood pressure?
Blood pressure varies from individual to individual and is dependent upon
a number of factors, such as age, weight, physical condition of gender.
The classic normal reading for an adult between the ages of 18 and 45 is
120/80. Remember, only your physician is qualified to determine whether the
readings you obtain are normal for you.
How to measure the blood pressure?
1. Relax yourself and adjust to a proper position
• It is very important that the person whose blood pressure is being taken is
relaxed and sitting comfortably.
• Keep arm being measured at heart level. Arm extended but not too tense
or stiff. Rest arm on a flat surface, such as a desk with the left palm facing
upwards. Keep arm being measured still.
2. How to put on the velcro cuffs and chestpiece
• Place the cuff 2-3cm above the bend of the elbow on the naked left upper
arm; Close the cuff by means of the velcro closure. Cuff should be snug, but
not too light. One or two fingers should fit between cuff and anm. Never place