REM ***********************************************************************
Public Sub HCopy()
Dim retCount as Long
Dim SRQWaitTimeout As Long
Dim eventType As Long
Dim eventVi As Long
Dim statusSRQ As Long
DIM Devices(100) as string
FOR i = 0 TO 49
Devices$(i) = Space$(50)
'--------- Default setting of the R&S FSV -------------------------------
CALL SetupStatusReg
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"*RST")
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"INIT:CONT OFF")
'Single sweep mode
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"SYST:DISP:UPD ON")
'Screen display on
'--------- Measurement settings ------------------------------------------
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"FREQ:CENT 100MHz;SPAN 10MHz")
'Frequency setting
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"DISP:TRAC:Y:RLEV -10dBm")
'Reference level
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"INIT;*WAI")
'--------- Querying the available output devices -------------------------
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"SYST:COMM:PRIN:ENUM:FIRSt?")
'Read out and display first output device
CALL InstrRead(analyzer,Devices$(0), 50, retCount)
Debug.Print "Printer 0: "+Devices$(0)
For i = 1 to 99
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"SYST:COMM:PRIN:ENUM:NEXT?")
'Read out next printer name
CALL InstrRead(analyzer,Devices$(i)
IF Left$(Devices$(i),2) = "''" THEN GOTO SelectDevice
'Stop at end of list
Debug.Print "Printer"+Str$(i)+": " Devices$(i)
'Display printer name
'---- Selection of output device, printer language and output interface ----
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"SYST:COMM:PRIN:SEL "+ Devices(6))
'Printer selection #6
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"HCOP:DEST 'SYST:COMM:PRIN'")
'Configuration: "Printout to
'printer interface"
CALL InstrWrite(analyzer,"HCOP:DEV:LANG GDI")
Guide de démarrage rapide 1321.3066.09 ─ 03
Brève introduction à la commande à distance
Exemples détaillés de programmation
'Create buffer for printer name
'Preallocate buffer for printer name
'Configure status register
'Reset instrument
'Perform measurement