3.1.5 Application
Apply material in increments immediately after the application of the adhesive. The material is
designed to be cured in increments up to a 2 mm depth/thickness.
Using syringes
Avoid contamination of the syringe.
To prevent the syringe from exposure to spatter or spray of body fluids or contami-
nated hands it is mandatory that the syringe is handled offside the dental unit with
clean/disinfected gloves.
1. Remove the cap.
2. Turn the handle of the syringe slowly in a clockwise direction and dispense the necessary amount
of the material onto a mixing pad.
3. Point the front tip of the syringe upwards and turn the handle anti-clockwise to prevent oozing of
the material.
4. Immediately close the syringe with the cap.
5. Protect the restorative material on the mixing pad against light.
Using Compules
Excessive force.
1. Apply slow and steady pressure on the Compules
2. Do not use excessive force. Compules
Tips Gun may result.
1. Insert Compules
collar on the Compules
2. Remove the colored cap from the Compules
gain the proper angle of entrance into the cavity or to the mixing pad.
Indirect use: Dispense the necessary amount of material onto a mixing pad and protect against
light. Apply material into the cavity with a plastic instrument.
- or -
Direct intraoral use: dispense the material directly into the cavity preparation using a slow, steady
3. To remove the used Compules
completely by allowing the handle to open to its widest position. Apply a downward motion to the
front end of the Compules
Optional Flowable Liner: Placement of a compatible flowable liner (available separately) prior
to placement of TPH Spectra
manufacturer's Directions for Use. Applying TPH Spectra
1. Dispense the composite material directly into the cavity preparation/tooth surface from the
Tip using slow, steady pressure. Excessive force is not necessary. Alternatively,
material may be expressed onto a clean pad from the Compules
the preparation with suitable placement instrument.
2. Adapt, contour and shape with appropriate composite instruments. Material may be placed and
light cured in increments up to 2 mm [3.1.6 Light curing].
Tip into the notched opening of the Compules
Tip is inserted first.
Tip, be sure that the Compules
Tip and remove.
ST and TPH Spectra
ST and TPH Spectra
Tips Gun.
Tip rupture or ejection from Compules
Tip. The Compules
Tips Gun plunger is pulled back
ST Effects restoratives is optional. Follow
ST Effects restoratives
Tips Gun. Be certain that the
Tip may be rotated 360° to
Tip or syringe and carried to