4. Press the guide piece of the stop rule against the guide
profile on the table (in the direction of the arrow) and lock
the stop in position by pushing the lever down (see
5. In order to ensure that the stop is actually parallel to the
saw blade, measure the distance from the saw blade at
the front and rear.
Working instructions
Before commencing work, ensure the following:
Protective guard, splitting wedge and saw blade ok?
Saw blade sharp?
Stoppers (fences) ready for use and pushstick to hand?
Workplace tidied?
You may not start to operate the machine until you have
read these operating instructions, observed all the
instructions given and installed the machine as described!
Also, note the following important points:
Place yourself outside of the area of danger
Place your hands flat on the workpiece with fingers closed.
Only guide the workpiece manually up to the front edge of
the protective hood.
Never remove loose splinters, chips, or similar by hand
Ensure that you always comply with the safety
instructions given on p.13 ff.
Cutting narrow workpieces
(Width less than 120 mm)
Push the workpiece forward with both hands, in the area
of the saw blade, use the pushstick (D)
When working on very flat and narrow workpieces (Width
30 mm and less) use the lower guide are of the fence
scale (E), see picture.
Cutting wide workpieces
With the flat of the hand and the fingers closed, push the
work piece to be cut along the stop.
Cross cuts / mitre cuts
Push the transverse stop into one of the guide grooves on
the table.
Set the transverse stop to the required angle and apply the
stop rails (E).
Push the longitudinal stop (C) into the required position, so
that the work piece can be securely held in place.
Place the workpiece to be cut against the stop rails.
Hold the workpiece firmly in place and push it past the saw
blade using the transverse stop. Use the pushing bar if