Adjustment of the Material Pressure
This adjustment can only be made at the controls of the pump or the material pressure
tank. Please comply with the operating instructions and safety warnings issued by the
manufacturers concerned.
Adjustment of the Atomizing Air Pressure
The atomizing air pressure is adjusted at the air pressure reducing valve of the com-
pressor system. Please comply with the operating instructions and safety warnings issu-
ed by the manufacturer.
If you wish to change the spraying pattern beyond the adjustments outlined so far, you
must retool the spray gun.
(See 5.5 Retooling of Spray Gun).
WALTHER offers a great variety of air control head/-material control nozzle/needle com-
binations for this purpose.
Correcting of Spray Pattern Imperfections
The following table shows what to do to correct a spray pattern.
Spray Pattern
swollen center
swollen ends
coarse pearl
unduly thin
split center
crowned center
paint layer
desireable spray-painting result
Corrective Action
• increase wideness of spray jet
• increase roundness of spray jet
• increase atomizing air pressure
• decrease atomizing air pressure
• increase material flow rate
• decrease atomizing air pressure,
increase material pressure
• decrease material pressure
• increase atomizing air pressure
Retooling of Spray Gun
Combinations of air control head, material control nozzle and needle, designed
to match specific spraying media tpyes and grades, form a unit - namely the
nozzle insert assembly. In order maintain the desired spray-finish quality stan-
dard always replace the complete nozzle insert assembly.
Prior to retooling: Make sure that the spray gun is in unpressurized condition,
i.e. all air and material inputs must be shut off - if not, imminent risk of injury.
In order to perform the following procedures please use the drawing at the
beginning of these operating instructions.
Replacement of Air Control Head
1. Unscrew the knurled air control head retaining ring in (Item 1) from the
front part.
2. Pull the air control head in (Item 2) of the gun front.
3. Position the required air control head on the front.
4. Screw the air control head retaining ring in (pos. 1) onto the front.
Replacement of Material Control Nozzle and Needle
1. Remove the air control head (see 5.5 Replacement of Air Control Head).
2. Unscrew the material nozzle in (Item 3) from the front (width over flats of
hex. nut 13). Remove the sealing washer in (Item 4) and the air
distribution ring in (Item 5).
3. Unscrew the cap in (Item 36) from the threaded ring in (Item 27).
4. Pull off the material control needle in (Item 34) including the Items
35-36-37 from the gun body.
5. Unscrew the material control needle (Item 34) from the draw bar in
(Item 37).
Installation of the new nozzle insert assembly and the remaining parts is per-
formed in the reverse order.