8. Connection
Before connecting the device, ensure that the mains plug is disconnected. Also disconnect all
other devices to be connected from their power supply.
Observe connection of the audio connections in the correct direction, i.e. always connect left to
left and right to right.
a) Connection of the Cinch Sockets
For the connection of the cinch sockets only use the shielded cinch wires. Use of any other
cables may cause interferences.
To avoid distortions or mal-adjustments that may cause damage to the device, only such de-
vices must be connected to the cinch sockets that also have cinch connections.
• Connect the LINE PLAY (OUT) to the TAPE input of your amplifier (usually marked TAPE IN or
• Connect the LINE IN (REC) to the TAPE output of your amplifier (usually marked TAPE OUT or TAPE REC).
Connect the white cinch socket to the left cinch connection of the amplifier.
Connect the red cinch socket to the right cinch connection of the amplifier.