Appendix B Services à la clientèle
Global services and solutions
edge to your specific network requirements, Acterna's
network consultants can quickly verify transmission
systems' implementation, assess a fiber plant's suitability
for advanced services, future-proof your system. Because
incomplete testing often results in crippling losses of
revenue, carriers and providers must operate their
networks with a very low margin of error. Difficulties in
ensuring network performance are further compounded
when technicians must employ unfamiliar yet critical test
and measurement processes. But with Acterna's dedi-
cated, highly skilled team of professionals providing
communications test and measurement solutions, your
staff can concentrate on performing value-added services
that will maximize your profitability.
Service Dollars (North America only) — To deliver the
highest level of support with your product purchase,
Acterna offers Service Dollars. Services Dollars can be
purchased at anytime, for each Acterna instrument. If
purchased at the same time as your product, Service
Dollars are discounted 20 percent. This is a significant
savings, as Service Dollars can be used towards the
purchase of any of Global Services and Solutions offer-
ings. Service Dollars are also flexible in the fact that they
can be purchased at anytime and then used later towards
the specific service that best fits your support needs.
DSAM Product Family Quick-Start Guide Rev. C