Read through the entire manual before beginning your installation.
There are seven steps to installing your Drinking Water system.
They are as follows:
STEP A - Install Cold Water Supply fitting
STEP B - Install Drain Adapter
STEP C - Install Reverse Osmosis Assembly
STEP D - Install Storage Tank
STEP E - Install Reverse Osmosis Faucet
STEP F - Connect Tubing
STEP G - Sanitize, Pressure Test, Purge System
These steps are explained in detail over the next few pages. Follow
all steps. Reading this manual will also help you receive and use all
the benefits your Reverse Osmosis system can give you.
1. Before starting, close the hot and cold water shutoff valves (See
Figure 5).
2. Temporarily place tank and filter assembly into planned location.
Check position of items and space required for proper installation.
Ensure tubes may be routed without kinking.
3. Remove tank and filter from planned location and set aside.
NOTE: You must check and comply with all local plumbing
NOTE: For best system performance, the feed water to the
system should be softened or have hardness less than 1.7
mol/m3 (17°f), with no iron.
Overview and Site Preparation
FIG. 4