21.9.2. Package Information
Here you can view the details about an individual package.
The current status of the application is displayed as follows:
Not installed – The applications are not yet installed on the NAS server.
Installing (%) – The application is being installed. The percentage
indicates the progress of the installation.
Built-in – The application is part of the NAS server and can be set using
the Web configurator.
Enabled – The application is installed on the NAS server and uses its own
Web configurator and is activated.
Disabled – The application is installed on the NAS server and uses its own
Web configurator and is not activated.
Unknown – The location of the application is not available via the Internet.
The name of the application appears here.
The size of the application is displayed here before the download starts.
Needed Space
The disk space required to be able to complete the installation of the
The version number of the application.
If additional packages are required for the application, this will be displayed here.
Required By
If additional packages are required for the application, then the required
packages are displayed here.
This shows the location of the installed application.
A short description of the application.
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