1. The model helicopter must be mechanically
and electronically rightly set.
2. The control unit cables must be connected
with the receiver according the markings –
Nick on the place of the Nick servo, Roll on
the place of the Roll servo, Roll2 on the
place of the second Roll servo for 120°
swashplates, Sense on another free chan-
nel, if available. For 90°-swashplates only
one roll- and only one nick-servo have to be
connected, the Roll2 cable stays unused
and free.
3. Connect the swashplate servos according
to the drawing on the title page with the
control unit.
4. Mount the sensor unit on the boom (tail
pipe) horizontally, parallel to the main rotor
plane (Pic. 1.).
5. On helicopters with combustion engines the
sensor unit must be mounted in such posi-
tion, that no direct view from the sensors to
the exaust pipe is possible. Also no fuel and
oil rests should reach the sensors!!! Pollu-
ted sensors must be cleaned with cotton-
sticks or cotton tissue and alcohol.
6. Connect the senor unit with the two cables
1 and 2 with the control unit as shown on
the title page. The ca. 25cm long cables of
the sensor unit can be extended up to
100cm. There are 1,2 marks on the control
unit, which correspond with the 1,2 cables
from the sensor unit. The Stabilizer recog-
nizes automatically, if your helicopter has a
90° or a 120° swashplate type (2 or 3 ser-
vos) and if the sense-chanel has to be read
Operating Instructions
from the transmitter or from the on-board
5.1. Servo Reverse
If the servo directions are correct, the
swashplate will tilt only to the front of the
helicopter, when you hold your hand behind
the 2 rear sensors or cover them with 2 fin-
gers (Pic.2.).
If you cover the front 2 sensors, the
swashpalte must tilt only to the tail of the
helicopter. Covering the 2 left sensors or
holding your warm hand in front of them will
cause a tilt of the swashplate only to the
right (Pic.3.).
If you cover the right 2 sensors, the
swashplate will tilt only to the left. For all
(90° and 120°!!!) swashplates only nick- and
roll-corrections will occur, if the Stabilizer is
correctly set, no pitch-corrections. Gene-
rally, if you hold the helicopter in the air
above your head and tilt it, the swashplate
must always try to stay horizontally. Only in
Order No.8068
Pic. 2