2.2 Use of the trampoline
INITIALLY, you should get accustomed to your trampoline and understand how much
spring is in each bounce .The focus at this point should be body position and tech-
nique until each skill can be completed with ease and control.
SOMERSAULTS (FLIPS): DO NOT PERFORM somersaults of any type
(backwards or forwards)on this trampoline.If you make a mistake when
trying to perform a somersault ,you could land on your head or neck.This
will increase your chances of your neck or back being broken ,which could
result in death or paralysis
FOREIGN OBJECTS : DO NOT use the trampoline if there are pets ,other
people ,or any objects underneath the trampoline .This will increase the
chances of an injury occurring ,DO NOT hold any foreign objects in your
hand and DO NOT place any objects on the trampoline while in use. DO
NOT place the trampoline under over-hanging objects like tree branches,
wires, etc as these will increase your chances of being injured.
POOR MAINTENANCE OF TRAMPOLINE: A trampoline in poor condi-
tion will increase your risk of being injured. Please inspect the trampoline
before each use for bent steel tubes, torn mat, loose or broken springs
and overall stability of the trampoline.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Warning. Do not use in strong wind conditions
and secure the trampoline. Please be aware of the weather conditions
when using the trampoline. Don't use the trampoline when it's wet. If it is
too windy, the user could lose control.
RESTRICTING ACCESS: When the trampoline is not in use, always store
the access ladder in a secure place so that unsupervised children can not
play on the trampoline.
for stopping should be learnt as this will help prevent
injury should you feel you are jumping out of control.
As the user lands on the bed, the knees should be bent
so that they stop and absorb the spring in the mat. The
position is shown in the image to the left. Arms are
held out for increased level of balance.
This skill is used when the trampoline user wishes to
stop bouncing on the trampoline due to fatigue, loss of
control, etc.