Some recipes require pre-cooked
ingredients. For best results, the
mixture should be chilled overnight
before using. Chilling over an ice bath
is another solution to cool ingredients
more rapidly.
To make an ice bath, fill a large
container with ice cubes and water.
Place container with mixture to be
used into the ice bath. Cool
precooked ingredients completely.
Prior to freezing, most recipes can be
stored in the refrigerator for up to 3
days if well covered. Stir ingredients
well before using.
Do not use frozen ingredients directly
in the ice cream maker, thaw frozen
ingredients first, as frozen food could
damage ice cream spoons.
Uncooked recipes will give you the
best results when an electric mixer is
used to cream the eggs and sugar.
This helps increase the volume in the
ice cream mixture.
Most ice cream recipes are a
combination of cream, milk, eggs and
sugar. You may use any type of
cream that you prefer, but the type of
cream that you do use will affect the
flavor and texture of the ice cream
that you are making. The higher
percentage of fat in the cream, the
richer the ice cream and the softer the
i.e. Heavy cream has 35% fat,
whipping cream has 30% fat, coffee or
light cream has 18% fat, and half &
half has 10% fat. Any combination
may be used but the total liquid
measurement must remain the same.
Always start with liquid ice cream
mixtures when preparation starts.
Do not use stiff mixtures such as
whipped cream or frozen liquids.
Artificial sweeteners can be
substituted for sugar. Please note
though that heat affects the
sweetness of the artificial
sweetener. We recommend that
you use artificial sweeteners to
mixtures that are cold or that have
been completely cooled. When a
recipe calls for you to heat the liquid
ingredients so that the sugar may
dissolve, omit the heating process
and simply stir in the artificial
sweetener until it is thoroughly
With recipes that involve alcohol,
the alcohol should be added in the
last 10 (ten) minutes of the freezing
process as alcohol could slow
down the freezing process.
For sorbet, test the ripeness and
sweetness of the fruit before you
use it. Freezing process will make
fruit less sweet. If the fruit is tart
add sugar to the recipe.
Do not operate the unit longer
than required. If after 40 minutes
the mixture is not yet solid or has
thawed again, do not continue.
Possible reasons for mixture not
The freezer canister was
not cold enough;
The mixture was too warm,
the proportion of the
ingredients was not correct.
Do not store prepared ice cream
in the freezer canister for more
than a few days.
Disposal of Unit
The gel in the freezer canister contains
no toxic materials. You may dispose of
them as normal household waste.
• 3 Petits Contenants à Congélation
Pour faire 3 saveurs différentes en même temps.
• Contenants à Congélation à Isolation Double
Les parois à double isolation des contenants à congélation les gardent froids plus
longtemps et offrent une meilleure congélation. Le gel à l'intérieur de ces parois
doubles offre une congélation complète et égale.
• Couvercle Transparent avec Ouverture de Remplissage
Le couvercle transparent vous permet de voir le processus de congélation.
L'ouverture de remplissage pratique vous permet d'ajouter des ingrédients sans
arrêter l'appareil.
Avant la Première Utilisation
Retirez tout l'emballage et le guide de l'intérieur de votre sorbetière. N'immergez pas
la base du moteur. Les contenants à congélation, les cuillers à crème glacée et le
couvercle ne vont pas au lave-vaisselle. Les pièces doivent être lavées à l'eau tiède
et au savon doux, puis séchées entièrement. N'UTILISEZ PAS de nettoyant abrasif
qui pourrait endommager votre appareil. L'entraînement peut être nettoyé à l'aide d'un
linge humide.
Congélation des Contenants à Congélation
L'étape la plus importante dans la fabrication de desserts congelés est de s'assurer
que les contenants sont entièrement gelés. La sorbetière à triple refroidissement offre
des contenants à congélation à double paroi pour des desserts congelés parfaits.
Pour congeler les contenants, emballez-les dans un grand sac d'emballage
réutilisable et placez-les à la verticale à l'endroit le plus froid de votre congélateur, 24
heures avant l'emploi. L'emploi de sacs d'emballage de congélation empêche que des
cristaux ne se forment dans les contenants.