Knee System
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it harmful to wear my Device more than 10 hours a day?
No. There has been no evidence that it is harmful to wear the device
more than 10 hours a day. In fact, studies show that the more the device
is worn, the sooner you will see significant results. (See below FAQ
regarding break-in schedule.)
What is the recommended break in schedule for a new brace with
It's important that you allow your body to adjust to a new brace (or new
brace with BioniCare) by starting out slowly and gradually increasing
your wear time. On day one, wear the brace for one hour, and each day
going forward, double the amount of time until you reach your optimal
daily wear time. For example, on the first day wear it for one hour, on
the second day for two hours, on the third day for four hours, and the
fourth day for eight hours. This will allow your body to more easily
adapt to the new corrective pressures and improved biomechanics that
are provided by the brace.
How often do I need to recharge the battery?
Since your BioniCare system comes with two batteries, you have the
ability to charge one battery while the other is in use. Use a fully
charged battery for every treatment. Do not use any other battery with
the BioniCare system.
What are the side effects, if any?
There are no serious side effects associated with the BioniCare system.
Some patients develop a mild rash under the Electrodes or Wrap.
I have a rash under an electrode. How do I treat it?
A skin rash may be caused by the electrode. If you develop a rash, stop
treatment for a few days. Many users find it helpful to apply an over-
the-counter topical hydrocortisone cream to the rash; you may choose
to check with your doctor. If the rash persists, check with your doctor.
What can I do to prevent a skin rash?
Take special care of the skin underneath the electrodes and Knee Wrap.
After a treatment, wash the skin with warm water and mild soap. Then
rub in a quality moisturizing lotion, preferably with aloe vera, or an
over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream. Make sure to completely wash
the lotion/cream from skin before re-applying the electrode.