Roland KR103 Mode D'emploi page 47

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

G MFX UPP, MFX LAY, MFX LOE* (MFX type)—(Default
setting: Off) These parameters allow you to select the
desired MFX type and to switch the MFX processor off.
The setting you make here is a preselection that is only
used if you assign the Keyboard part in question (UPP=
Upper, LAY= Layer, LOE= Lower) to the MFX using the
parameter below. Only one Keyboard part can be pro-
cessed by the MFX at any one time. See p. 39 for details
about the MFX. Selecting "Off" means that the MFX is
Note: MFX type selection is linked to sound selection for
the Upper part.
G MFX Part*—(UPP, LAY, LOE, Default setting: UPP) This
parameter allows you to select the Keyboard part that
should be processed by the MFX.
G Chr UPP*—(0~127, Default setting: 0) This parameter
allows you to set the Chorus Send Level for the Upper
part (i.e. how much chorus should be added to the
Upper notes). If you want this part to be processed by
the Chorus effect, you need to select a value different
from "0". This parameter is only used when the UPP MFX
parameter is set to "Off" or as long as the Upper part is
not assigned to the MFX.
G Chr LAY*—(0~127, Default setting: 0) This parameter
allows you to set the Chorus Send Level for the Layer
part (i.e. how much chorus should be added to the Layer
notes). If you want this part to be processed by the Cho-
rus effect, you need to select a value different from "0".
This parameter is only used when the LAY MFX parame-
ter is set to "Off" or as long as the Layer part is not
assigned to the MFX.
G Chr LWR*—(0~127, Default setting: 0) This parameter
allows you to set the Chorus Send Level for the Lower
part (i.e. how much chorus should be added to the
Lower notes). If you want this part to be processed by
the Chorus effect, you need to select a value different
from "0". This parameter is only used when the LWR
MFX parameter is set to "Off" or as long as the Lower
part is not assigned to the MFX.
G Scl Mode*—(UP, ALL, Default setting: UPP) This param-
eter allows you to specify which parts the Scale settings
(see below) should apply to: only the Upper part ("UP")
or all parts ("ALL"). In some cases, choosing "ALL" may
produce a more satisfactory result.
G Scale C*~Scale B* (Scale Tune)—(–64~63, Default set-
ting: 0 for all notes) These parameters allow you to stray
away from the usual semitone-interval scale (used in
western music) by changing the pitch of the notes so as
to accommodate other musical cultures or tuning
methods (oriental, baroque music, etc.).
As you will notice, you can change the pitch of every
note of one octave (C, C#, D, Eb, E...). The settings you
make here apply to all notes of the same name (i.e. to
every "C", every "C#", etc.). Most of the time, you will
probably select the value "50" or "–50" as they corre-
spond exactly to half a semitone up or down (quarter
tone). Other settings may also be interesting, though.
G MIDI parameters (Local, Tx Chnl, Send PC, Send LSB,
Send MSB)—See page 50.
KR103 Digital Intelligent Piano
G FctryReset—After working extensively with your
KR103, you may want to recall the original factory set-
tings. Note that the Recorder memory will be empty
and that the User Programs contain factory settings
after initializing your KR103.
Press [Enter] in response to the flashing Yes message.
After showing the "Complete" message, the KR103
leaves this function.
Note: There is no "Sure?" question that gives you time to
think. Only press [Enter] if you are certain you want to recall
ALL factory settings. Otherwise, press [Exit].
G V-LINK—(On/Off, Default setting: Off) This parameter
allows you to switch the KR103's V-LINK functionality
on and off. See page 42 for details.
G OneTouch—(AUT, TON, TMP, OFF, Default setting: AUT)
This parameter allows you to specify how the KR103's
One Touch functionality should work. One Touch is only
used when you switch on the [Arranger] button or
whenever you select another Style – provided you don't
select "OFF" here.
The default setting ("AUT") means that One Touch per-
forms all of the following.
"TON" means that the One Touch function selects a suit-
able sound for the Upper part, i.e. a sound that matches
the atmosphere of the Style you are using.
"TMP", finally, means that the One Touch function uses
the Style's preset tempo if you select a different Style.
G Arr Conf—(ACC, C+B, Default setting: ACC) This param-
eter allows you to specify whether or not you want to
use the melodic accompaniment and bass lines of the
selected Style. You may remember that the KR103 acti-
vates a stereo string sound and monophonic bass
whenever (a) the
the Arranger is stopped. This allows you to play chords
(and a bass line) with your left hand in Arranger mode –
without using the KR103's accompaniment function.
Select "ACC" if the KR103 should switch to Arranger
control as soon as you activate the [Start÷Stop] button.
This means that the chords you play are "translated"
into melodic parts and a matching bass line.
If you select "C+B" (chord and bass), however, the
chords you play are sounded by the stereo string sound
and monophonic bass, so that only the rhythm part of
the selected Style is used.
G Beat Ind—(On/Off, Default setting: On) This parameter
allows you to switch the dynamic beat indication of the
current tempo (the "pendulum simulation") on or off. If
you feel distracted by the flashing pattern, select "Off".
(6) Press the [Exit] button to leave this function.
Available parameters
icon is displayed and (b)


Table des Matières

Table des Matières