The epilator does
not work.
4203.000.4504.1.indd 13
The socket to which
Make sure the socket is live. If you connect the
the appliance is
epilator to a socket in a bathroom cabinet, you may
connected does not
need to switch on the light in the bathroom to make
sure the socket is live. You could also use a working
socket outside the bathroom.
The overheat
When the epilator stops working and the speed
protection has been
setting indications start flashing red, the overheat
protection has been activated. Let the appliance cool
down. The lights stop flashing after 30 seconds. When
the appliance has cooled down, switch on the epilator
again. If the lights start flashing again, the epilator has
not yet cooled down sufficiently.
The overload
When the overload protection has been activated, the
protection is
speed setting indications flash red. Turn the discs with
activated because
your thumb until you can easily remove the item that
something got
is blocking the rotating discs. Then switch on the
caught between the
appliance again. Do not press the appliance too hard
rotating discs or
onto your skin.
because you pressed
the appliance too
hard onto your skin.
10-12-09 11:48