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Made in Poland / Fait en Pologne
For children from 5 kg (11 lb) to 20 kg (40 lb)
Pour enfants de 5 kg (11 lbs) à 20 kg (40 lbs)



Sommaire des Matières pour Luna Dream

  • Page 1 BABY CARRIER MULTI SIZE USER’S MANUAL PORTE-BÉBÉ MULTI SIZE MANUEL D'UTILISATION Made in Poland / Fait en Pologne For children from 5 kg (11 lb) to 20 kg (40 lb) Pour enfants de 5 kg (11 lbs) à 20 kg (40 lbs)
  • Page 2 WARNING! ATTENTION! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! GARDEZ POUR RÉFÉRENCE KEEP FOR FUTURE FUTURE. LIRE REFERENCE. READ ATTENTIVEMENT ET CAREFULLY AND KEEP FOR CONSERVER POUR FUTURE REFERENCE. RÉFÉRENCE FUTURE. Read and follow all printed instructions and Lisez et suivez toutes les instructions view instructional videos (if applicable) before imprimées et visionnez les vidéos d'instructions use.
  • Page 3 Never place more than one baby in the sling carrier. Ne placez jamais plus d'un bébé dans le porte-bébé. Never use/wear more than one carrier at a time. Ne jamais utiliser / porter plus d'un porte-bébé à la fois. Never use sling carrier while engaging in activities N'utilisez jamais le porte-bébé...
  • Page 4: Porter Un Porte-Bébé Ajustable - Position Frontale

    WEARING AN ADJUSTABLE BABY CARRIER – FRONT POSITION Before the first use, carefully check the carrier and adjust the panel to your baby’s size. This way, you avoid the unnecessary struggle and keep your baby and yourself calm. Use the straps to adjust the carrier panel. Adjust the width at the waist belt, the height at the sides, and width of the upper carrier part at baby’s neck level.
  • Page 5 Be careful! If shoulder straps buckles were fastened to the lower panel part before you put on the carrier, while putting on the straps, make sure that the black strap with the buckle you fastened to the strap goes under baby’s legs. Faites attention! Si les boucles des bretelles étaient attachées à...
  • Page 6 Tighten the straps on the bottom Finally, verify that the baby's position Buckling the straps at the waist belt (under baby’s legs), if the strap was in the carrier is symmetrical and that allows to maintain a slightly rounded fastened to the lower part of the their bottom is placed below the shape of baby’s back, so that baby’s panel, near the waist belt.
  • Page 7 WEARING AN ADJUSTABLE BABY CARRIER – FRONT POSITION, CROSSED STRAPS Before putting on the carrier, make sure that all buckles are unfastened. Carrier accessories can be removed from the carrier for your comfort. PORTER UN PORTE-BÉBÉ AJUSTABLE – POSITION FRONTALE, BRETELLES CROISÉES Avant de mettre le porte-bébé, assurez-vous que toutes les boucles sont attachées.
  • Page 8 Change your hands, while Cuddle the baby and place the Put the shoulder strap with your one material on baby’s back up to their holding the baby, and reach hand onto your shoulder, while holding neck. behind your back for the the baby with the other hand.
  • Page 9 Tighten the carrier panel straps. Do it Crossed straps help to distribute baby’s Finally, verify that the baby's also in the center if the strap buckle is position in the carrier is weight on the central part of your body and fastened to the central panel part or at symmetrical and that their relieve your shoulders and spine more.
  • Page 10: Porter Un Porte-Bébé Ajustable - Dos

    WEARING AN ADJUSTABLE BABY CARRIER - BACK Fasten the buckle at the end of the shoulder strap, in the middle of the panel height, if you have an older child. Fasten it in the lower part of the panel, near the waist belt, if your baby is younger. Buckling the straps at the waist belt allows to maintain a slightly rounded shape of baby’s back, so that baby’s spine is relieved.
  • Page 11 Grab both shoulder straps into one When the baby is at your hip level, take one Then, put both straps onto your shoulder strap in your one hand and the hand, while holding your baby with shoulders. second one in another hand and continue to another.
  • Page 12 All our slings are handmade with the highest diligence. For the manufacturing process, we use only fabrics that are safe for children, which makes Luna Dream slings and carriers the highest quality. All slings and carriers are covered by a 2-year warranty.