Choosing the Proper Water Filter
Before beginning Plumbing:
I have completed the duct mounting installation, including installing the duct nozzle and securely
mounting TrueSTEAM to the duct
TrueSTEAM uses a water tank to hold water in place as it is converted to steam. When water is boiled, the
dissolved minerals in the water (known as water hardness) fall out in solid form. This solid mineral fallout is
known as scale or sediment.
The quantity of scale or sediment and the time it takes to accumulate in the tank depends on the hardness of the
TrueSTEAM water supply. The harder the water, the more dissolved minerals it holds. This leads to faster solid
mineral accumulation in the tank.
Honeywell provides water filtration solutions that fit the needs of the home's water hardness. A water hardness
test kit is included with TrueSTEAM to assess which filter is needed.
Test the Water Hardness
Fill the plastic tube with water directly from the
TrueSTEAM input water source.
Note: It is important to test the specific input to TrueSTEAM, as it may
differ from the faucet taps in the home.
Dip the colored end of one of the test strips into the
tube's water for 3 seconds.
Remove the test strip. Do not shake the strip.
Wait 20 seconds and then match the test strip's
color to the closest color block on the water
hardness scale.
Note: Strip color results are no longer valid after one minute.
TrueSTEAM Humidification System 69-2285EF—01