Calibrate now alert
Sensor updating alert
Transmitter error alert
Jailbroken device detec‐
ted alert
Rooted device detected
Not applicable.
Likely Cause(s)
A calibration is required
by the system.
There is an error with the
There is an error with the
The software on the
iOS™* mobile device has
been changed so that it
no longer works in the
way that the manufac‐
turer intended.
The software on the
Android™* mobile
device has been
changed so that it no
longer works in the way
that the manufacturer
instructions for use on how to test BG. Enter this
new value in the app for calibration.
Review the BG meter instructions for use on
how to test BG. Enter this new value in the app
for calibration.
No action is required. The sensor is updating
and this may take up to 2 hours. During this
time, do not rely on alerts from the system as SG
information will not be available. Monitor BG
levels with the meter.
Disconnect the transmitter from the sensor and
reconnect it. Upon reconnecting the transmit‐
ter to the sensor, the sensor will go through a
warm-up period which may last up to 2 hours.
The transmitter may need to be replaced if
issues are still being experienced. Contact
24-Hour Technical Support or the local
Medtronic representative for more assistance.
The app cannot be used on a jailbroken device.
To use the Guardian app the device software
must remain as the manufacturer has designed.
Changing the mobile device operating soft‐
ware causes the app to stop working.
The app cannot be used on a rooted device. To
use the Guardian app the device software must
remain as the manufacturer has designed.
Changing the mobile device operating soft‐
ware causes the app to stop working.