IMPORTANTE! Le operazioni di installazione devono essere esegui-
te da personale opportunamente addestrato tenendo conto delle
informazioni date da questo manuale.
ATTENZIONE! La ditta costruttrice declina ogni responsabilità per
danni a persone o cose causate da un montaggio non corretto
della pompa.
Al ricevimento del prodotto controllare l'imballo ed immagazzinare in
luogo asciutto. Controllare che la macchina non abbia subito danni
durante il trasporto. Verificare quindi la presenza di tutti i componenti e
richiedere al costruttore eventuali pezzi mancanti.
Nella realizzazione degli impianti utilizzare sempre componenti adatti
all'impiego (temperatura, pressioni, ecc).
1 - Collegamento all'aria compressa
Collegare la pompa all'aria compressa utilizzando sempre un regolatore
di pressione. E' importante controllare la pressione dell'aria in modo che
la pompa non sviluppi pressioni superiori a quelle massime consentite
dai componenti dell'impianto (es. tubi /pistole). Ad esempio, se la pres-
sione max consentita di esercizio è 8 bar, regolare la pressione dell'aria
a 4 bar (max), considerando che il rapporto di compressione della pompa
FD-PP-ADB2150G è 2:1.
2 - Raccordi Entrata / Uscita
ATTENZIONE! Non usare raccordi conici sulla filettatu-
ra in plastica. Serrare i raccordi alla coppia massima di
45Nm. La pompa è corredata di raccordo uscita fluido e
non è necessario applicare del sigillante sulla filettatura.
3 - Possibili installazioni
Le pompe FD-PP-ADB2150G, grazie alla loro versatilità, si prestano a
diversi tipi di installazione per la distribuzione di molteplici fluidi. Possono
essere montate a parete, su cisterna o direttamente su fusto. E' disponi-
bile una serie di accessori per permettere l'installazione desiderata.
IMPORTANT! Les opérations d'installation doivent être effectuées
par des techniciens opportunément entraînés, suivant les instruc-
tions données sur ce manuel.
ATTENTION! Le constructeur décline toute responsabilité pour
d'éventuels accidents corporels ou pour objets endommagés à
cause d'un montage incorrect de la pompe.
Au moment de la réception, vérifier l'emballage et garder à un endroit
sec. Vérifier que l'équipement n'a pas été endommagé pendant le tran-
sport. Vérifier d'avoir reçu tous les composants et demander au con-
structeur les éventuelles pièces manquantes.
1 - Compressed air connection
Connect the pump to compressed air always using a pneumatic pres-
sure regulator. It is important to control the air pressure in order to avoid
the fluid pressure exceeds the maximum permitted by components of
the system (eg. pipes, guns, meters...).
For example, if the maximum permitted operating pressure is 8 bar,
adjust the air pressure to 4 bar (max), considering that the FD-PP-
ADB2150G pump compression ratio is 2:1.
2 - Inlet / Outlet Nipples
ATTENTION! Do not use conical nipples on the plastic
thread. Tighten the fittings to the maximum torque of 45
Nm. The pump is supplied with outlet coupling and does
not need any sealant to be put on the threads.
3 - Possible installations
FD-PP-ADB2150G pumps, thanks to their versatility, lend themselves
to different types of installation for the distribution of multiple fluids.
They can be mounted on walls, tank or directly on the drum. Many ac-
cessories are available to allow the desired installation.
IMPORTANT! Any installation operation shall be carried out by a
suitably trained staff, following carefully the information given in
this manual.
WARNING! The manufacturer declines any responsibility for inju-
ries to people or damages to things caused by a wrong assembly
of the pump.
Check the packaging at the reception of the goods and store only at a
dry place. Verify that the device hasn't been damaged during transport
or storage operations. Make sure you receive all the components. Ask
the manufacturer for any possible missing component. For all installa-
tions always use components suitable to the use (temperature, pres-
sure, etc.).
1 - Compressed air connection
Connect the pump to compressed air always using a pneumatic pres-
sure regulator. It is important to control the air pressure in order to avoid
the fluid pressure exceeds the maximum permitted by components of
the system (eg. pipes, guns, meters...).
For example, if the maximum permitted operating pressure is 8 bar,
adjust the air pressure to 4 bar (max), considering that the FD-PP-
ADB2150G pump compression ratio is 2:1.
2 - Inlet / Outlet Nipples
ATTENTION! Do not use conical nipples on the plastic
thread. Tighten the fittings to the maximum torque of
45 Nm. The pump is supplied with outlet coupling and
does not need any sealant to be put on the threads.
3 - Possible installations
FD-PP-ADB2150G pumps, thanks to their versatility, lend themselves
to different types of installation for the distribution of multiple fluids.
They can be mounted on walls, tank or directly on the drum. Many ac-
cessories are available to allow the desired installation.
WICHTIG! Jede installation muss von einer fachkundingen Person
ausgeführt werden. Stellen Sie sicher, daß keine Federspannung
anliegt, bevor Sie die Rolle in Betrieb nehmen.
ACHTUNG: Der Hersteller lehnt jede Haftung für Schäden ab, wel-
che aus unsachgemässer Installation des pumpen entstehen.
Bei Erhalt muss die Verpackung gepruft werden und die ware sollte
an einem trocken ort gelagert werden. Sofortige kontrolle auf eventuell
entstandene transportschäden. Prüfung des completten verpackung-
sinhaltes. Bei eventuell fehlenden teilen rückfrage beim hersteller.
1 - Compressed air connection
Connect the pump to compressed air always using a pneumatic pres-
sure regulator. It is important to control the air pressure in order to avoid
the fluid pressure exceeds the maximum permitted by components of
the system (eg. pipes, guns, meters...).
For example, if the maximum permitted operating pressure is 8 bar,
adjust the air pressure to 4 bar (max), considering that the FD-PP-
ADB2150G pump compression ratio is 2:1.
2 - Inlet / Outlet Nipples
ATTENTION! Do not use conical nipples on the plastic
thread. Tighten the fittings to the maximum torque of
45 Nm. The pump is supplied with outlet coupling and
does not need any sealant to be put on the threads.
3 - Possible installations
FD-PP-ADB2150G pumps, thanks to their versatility, lend themselves
to different types of installation for the distribution of multiple fluids.
They can be mounted on walls, tank or directly on the drum. Many ac-
cessories are available to allow the desired installation.
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