6.3 Sweeping fl ue pipes to the
Flue pipes must be swept through the fl ue pipe sweeping
hatch or through the door opening. The baffl e and exhaust
defl ector must be removed fi rst.
6.4 Inspection of the fi replace
Jøtul recommends that you carefully inspect your fi replace
yourself after it has been swept/cleaned. Check all visible
surfaces for cracks. Also check that all joints are sealed
and that the gaskets are in the correct position. Any gaskets
showing signs of wear or deformation must be replaced.
Thoroughly clean the gasket grooves, apply ceramic glue
(available from your local Jøtul dealer) and press the gasket
well into place. The joint will dry quickly.
6.5 Exterior maintenance
Painted products may change colour after several years'
usage. The surface should be cleaned and brushed free of
any loose particles before new paint is applied.
Enamelled products must only be cleaned with a clean, dry
cloth. Do not use water and soap. Any stains can be removed
with a cleaning fl uid (oven cleaner etc.).
Important! Never place anything on the top plate of the stove.
This could cause permanent damage to the paint or enamel.
7.0 Servicing
Warning! Any unauthorised changes to the product are
illegal! Only original spare parts may be used!
7.1 Service/replacing parts in the burn
NB: Use tools with great care! The vermiculite plates may be
damaged if treated roughly.
Fig. 28
1. Baffl e: Lift the rear edge of the baffl e (A) forward and
down and twist it out of the burn chamber.
2. The exhaust plate (B) can be dismantled by unscrewing
the 2 screws that holds the exhaust plate in place.
3. Log retainer (C): Lift the log retainer straight up and out of
the burn chamber.
4. Ash grate (D) – First remove the log retainer (C). Pull the
ash pan out and push the ash grate (D) up from below so
that you can take hold of it from the top side and lift it out
of the burn chamber.
5. Side burn plates (F): First remove the log retainer (C) and
the ash pan. Then lift the side plates out.