Through selecting the module selection function one returns to the controller parameter
module selection.
The page 1 function is used to display the specific parameters of the selected controller.
The following parameters can be adjusted on the third page of settings:
parameters page 3
The interrupt time function is used to specify the time that can pass when the (own) controller
is not enabled (e.g. no flow) before the delay time is activated when the controller is enabled
Value range: 0 min to 60 min
The delay time function is used to specify the time that passes before the controller is
reactivated after it has been enabled. It must have at least been disabled for the duration of
the pause.
Value range: 0 min to 60 min
The FC-alarm delay function is used to specify the period of time for which the enable signal
(flow signal) may be absent without triggering the alarm message 'flow rate too small'. The
alarm message is issued once this period of time has expired. The alarm message is 'self-
acknowledging', i.e. it is only reset when the flow commences.
Value range: 0 sec to 240 sec, generally turned off by the alarm message.
The Maintenance metering signal function can be used to specify an additional external
enable signal in order to enable maintenance metering. If the enable signal is absent, the
controller switches to maintenance metering - the normal control function is suspended until
the signal at the external enable input returns. Only the control relay of the first switching
point is used for maintenance metering. The second relay is turned off during the change to
maintenance metering. If maintenance metering is activated, this is indicated on the
measurement mask through Maintenance: (instead of Relay) in the relay line.
Value range: Off / Module 1 / Module 2 / Module 3 (the module that is to be adjusted is
The Percent Maintenance function is used to specify the percentage of time during which (in
proportion to the controller cycle time under module configuration – page 2) metering takes
place during the maintenance metering process. Although adjusting the controller cycle time
is only useful for PID controllers during normal control, it becomes the basis for maintenance
metering in this case. It is neither possible for the controller on-time to be less than the set
minimum controller on-time; the metering always takes place for the duration of this minimum
Value range: 0.0 % to 99.9 %
The module selection function opens the controller parameter module selection.
The page 2 function is used to display additional parameters on a second page of settings.
Measuring Module
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Rev.: 05-07/10