remèdes dépannage
Anomalies / Anomalies / Störung
1 Pression d'aspiration
trop basse
Suction pressure too low
Ansaugdruck zu niedrig
2 Pression de refoulement trop
Discharge pressure to high
Ausblasdruck zu hoch
3 Température d'huile
trop haute
Oil temperature too high
Öltemperatur zu hoch
4 Température de
refoulement trop jaute
Discharge temperature too high
Ausblastemperatur zu hoch
5 Pression différentielle d'huile
trop basse
Oil differential pressure too high
Öldifferentialdruck zu hoch
Causes probables / Possible causes /
Mögliche Ursachen
Presence of air in the chilled fluid circuit
Flow of chilled insufficient fluid
Chilled fluid flow sufficient but unit too powerful in relation to the circuit
Compressor intake valve opening insufficient (optional)
Lack of refrigerant fluid
Cooling water flow too low
Zu wenig Kühlwasser
Cooling water temperature too high
Faulty operation of cooling tower
Scaled or fouled condenser
Cooling water flow sufficient but unit too powerful in relation to the require
ments of hot water circuit
Excessive refrigerant fluid load
Incorrect ventilation (obstacle at the intake or discharge), fans turning in
the wrong direction (LWN)
Intake air too warm (recycling) (LWN)
Failure on liquid injection device
Failure on liquid injection device
Problem am Flüssigkeitszufuhrsystem
Difference between HP and LP too low
Unterschied zwischen HD und ND zu gering
Analyse, wesentliche
Insutructions / Instructions /
Purge the chilled fluid circuit
Check opening of the chilled fluid circuit valves
Check rotation direction of pump and absence of cavitation
Recalculate the termal refrigerant charge
Check the operation fo the capacity control as indicated
Completely open the compressor intake valve
Look for the leak(s) and top ut the load
Check cooling circuit valves opening
Check circulation pumps
Check cooling tower or drycooler operation
Check the cooling water temperature control
Clean the condenser tubing
Verflüssigerleitungen reinigen
Check the capacity control setting point
Check the capacity control operation
Check and adjust the refrigerant charge
Check air cooled condensor
Check the working of the injection liquid valve4
Check the working of the injection liquid valve
Check the drycooler or cooling tower return temperature