Comfort -2
NOTE: Comfort-1 or Comfort-2 the temperature can't be modified.
8) Turbo fan:
to turn on or off the turbo fan heating. When the turbo is on,
displayed. Note: When the turbo fan is turned off, the unit will stop heating up but the
fan will keep working for 15 minutes to cool down.
9) Open Windows Function:
for 3 seconds to turn on/off the windows function, Open Windows function,
icon will be displayed when function is activated.
c) If temperature decreases 2ºC in a period of 2 minutes, the unit will stop heating
up and the icon
d) Press
to return to previous mode,
8) Keypad lock
If you don't press any button for 1 second, the keypad will automatically lock.
To lock/unlock the keypad, please press
will start flashing.
at the same time.
icon will be
icon will stop flashing.