Call Voicemail
This menu provides you with a quick way of accessing your voice
mailbox. To check the voicemail, tap
the dial keypad. When new voicemail is received, the symbol
will be displayed on the screen.
Text Templates
There are 6 predefined messages in the list. You can view and edit
the template messages or create new messages.
The following [Options] are available. If no message selected in
option, it only shows Delete All.
Send: Allows you to send the selected template via Message.
Delete: Allows you to delete the selected template message.
Edit: Allows you to write a new message or edit the selected
template message.
Delete All: Deletes all messages in the folder.
Multimedia Templates
1. You can add new multimedia templates by tapping [New].
2. The following choices are available under Options.
Insert: Allows you insert Symbol, Picture, Audio, Video, Take
New Picture, Record New Audio, Record New Video and More.
Text Entry Mode: Sets the text input mode as abc, Abc, ABC,
T9 abc, T9 Abc, T9 ABC and 123.
and hold the button in
Call Menu