
Liens rapides

Extra 330SC BP
Instruction Manual
Manuel d'utilisation
Manuale di Istruzioni


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour E-FLITE Extra 330SC BP

  • Page 1 Extra 330SC BP ALMOST-READY-TO-FLY Instruction Manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d’utilisation Manuale di Istruzioni...
  • Page 2: Safety Warnings And Precautions

    SAFETY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS SAFE OPERATING RECOMMENDATIONS NOTICE All instructions, warranties and other collateral documents are subject to change at the sole discretion of Horizon Read and follow all instructions and safety precautions • Inspect your model before every fl ight to ensure it is before use.
  • Page 3: Warnungen Und Sicherheit- Svorkehrungen

    WARNUNGEN UND SICHERHEIT- EMPFEHLUNGEN ZUM SICHEREN HINWEIS SVORKEHRUNGEN BETRIEB Alle Anweisungen, Garantien und anderen zugehörigen Dokumente können im eigenen Ermessen von Horizon Hobby, Inc. jederzeit geändert werden. Die aktuelle Produktliteratur fi nden Sie auf unter der Bitte lesen und befolgen Sie alle Anweisungen und •...
  • Page 4: Avertissements Relatifs À La Sécurité

    AVERTISSEMENTS RELATIFS À LA CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ CONCERNANT REMARQUE SÉCURITÉ L’UTILISATION La totalité des instructions, garanties et autres documents est sujette à modifi cation à la seule discrétion d’Horizon Hobby, Inc. Pour obtenir la documentation à jour, rendez-vous sur le site et cliquez sur Lisez et suivez toutes les instructions relatives à...
  • Page 5 AVVERTIMENTI E PRECAUZIONI PER LA RACCOMANDAZIONI PER OPERARE IN AVVISO SICUREZZA SICUREZZA Tutte le istruzioni, le garanzie e gli altri documenti pertinenti sono soggetti a cambiamenti a totale discrezione di Horizon Hobby, Inc. Per una documentazione aggiornata sul prodotto, visitare il sito e fare Prima dell’uso leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni •...
  • Page 6 SPECIFICATIONS•SPEZIFIKATIONEN• LARGE PARTS LAYOUT•BAUTEILE (OHNE KLEINTEILE)• SPÉCIFICATIONS•SPECIFICHE GRANDES PIÈCES•SCHEMA DEI COMPONENTI GRANDI 37.0 in (942mm) 411 sq in (26.5 dm2) 37.2 in (945mm) 20.7–21.6 oz (587–613 g) Electric Power Power: Power 450 Brushless Elektro Antrieb Power: Power 450 Brushless Moteur électrique (EP): Power 450 Brushless Motore elettrico: Power 450 Brushless 4-channel (or greater) with 4 servos 4-Kanal (oder größer) mit 4-Servos...
  • Page 7 REPLACEMENT PARTS•ERSATZTEILE•PIÈCES DE RECHANGE•RICAMBI Part English Deutsch Français Italiano EFL261001 Wing with Ailerons Tragfl äche mit Querruder Ailes avec ailerons Ala con alettoni EFL261002 Fuselage with Rudder Rumpf mit Seitenleitwerk Fuselage avec dérive Fusoliera con timone EFL261003 Stabilizer and Elevator Set Höhenruderset Set Plan horizontal et Gouverne de profondeur Set stabilizzatore ed elevatore...
  • Page 8 ASSEMBLY SYMBOL GUIDE•MONTAGE SYMBOLE•GUIDE DES SYMBOLES POUR ASSEMBLAGE•GUIDA AI SIMBOLI DI ASSEMBLAGGIO Apply threadlock Ensure free rotation Use medium CA Use a pencil Schraubensicherungslack verwenden Rotation sicherstellen Mittelfl üssigen Verwenden Sie einen Bleistift Sekundenkleber verwenden Utilisez du frein fi let Permettez une rotation libre Utilisez un crayon à...
  • Page 9 REQUIRED TOOLS•BENÖTIGTES WERKZEUG•OUTILS REQUIS•ATTREZZI NECESSARI English Deutsch Français Italiano Clear tape klares Klebeband Ruban adhésif transparent Nastro trasparente Drill bit: .050-inch, 1/16-inch, 5/64-inch, 1/8-inch Bohrer: 1mm, 1,5 mm, 2mm, 3mm Forêt : 1mm, 1,5 mm, 2mm, 3mm Punte per trapano: 1mm, 1,5 mm, 2mm, 3mm Felt-tipped pen Faserstift Feutre fin effaçable...
  • Page 10: Before Starting Assembly

    BEFORE STARTING ASSEMBLY VOR DEM ZUSAMMENBAU AVANT DE COMMENCER PRIMA DI INIZIARE IL MONTAGGIO L’ASSEMBLAGE • Remove parts from bag. • Entnehmen Sie zur Überprüfung jedes Teil der • Togliere tutti i pezzi dalla scatola. Verpackung. • Retirez toutes les pièces des sachets pour les •...
  • Page 11 RUDDER AND ELEVATOR SERVO INSTALLATION•EINBAU DES SEITEN UND HÖHENRUDERSERVOS• WING INSTALLATION• INSTALLATION DU SERVO DE DÉRIVE ET DE PROFONDEUR•INSTALLAZIONE DEI SERVI TIMONE ED ELEVATORE MONTAGE DER TRAGFLÄCHE• INSTALLATION DE L’AILE• INSTALLAZIONE DELL’ALA Locate the wing and fuselage. Slide the wing into the Thread a servo mounting screw into each of the holes to Apply a small amount of thin CA to harden the threads fuselage and center it as shown in the drawing.
  • Page 12 Use a felt-tipped pen to trace the outline of the fuselage Remove the wing and use a hobby knife with a sharp #11 blade to remove the covering from the wing 1/16 inch onto the top and bottom of the wing. (1.5mm) inside the lines drawn.
  • Page 13 STABILIZER INSTALLATION•MONTAGE DES HÖHENLEITWERKS• INSTALLATION DU STABILISATEUR•INSTALLAZIONE DELLO STABILIZZATORE Align Place the wing back in the fuselage. Check the alignment between the wing and fuselage as previously outlined. Slide the stabilizer into position in the fuselage. Check Check that the stabilizer and wing are parallel to each Wick thin CA into the joint between the wing and fuselage.
  • Page 14 Use sandpaper to lightly sand the elevator joiner wire where it will fi t into the elevators. Slide the stabilizer back into the fuselage. After checking Use a felt-tipped pen to trace the outline of the fuselage onto the top and bottom of the stabilizer. Remove the Schleifen Sie mit Schleifpapier den Leitwerksverbinder an the alignment, wick thin CA along the joint between the stabilizer from the fuselage and use a hobby knife with a sharp #11 blade to remove the covering from the stabilizer...
  • Page 15 CONTROL SURFACE INSTALLATION•MONTAGE DER RUDERBLÄTTER•INSTALLATION DE LA GOUVERNE•INSTALLAZIONE DELLE SUPERFICI DI CONTROLLO Place a T-pin in the center of each hinge. Slide the hinges Fit the elevator to the stabilizer using the hinges. Make sure the joiner wire also fi ts into the elevator. Use a straight Remove the elevator from the stabilizer.
  • Page 16 Attach the rudder to the fuselage using three CA hinges. Attach the ailerons to the wing using four CA hinges for Make sure there is clearance between the top of the fi n each aileron. Make sure to align the end of the aileron and the rudder counterbalance.
  • Page 17 LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION•MONTAGE DES FAHRWERKS•INSTALLATION DU TRAIN D’ATTERRISSAGE•INSTALLAZIONE DEL CARRELLO M3 x 25 Thread the bolt through the nylon bushing to cut threads in the bushing. This will make the installation of the screw easier in the following step. Remove the screw from the wheel pant.
  • Page 18 M1.6 x 5 Secure the wheel pants to the landing gear using the hardware listed. Schrauben Sie die Radschuhe am Fahrwerksbügel mit den aufgeführten Schrauben fest. Fixez le carénage de roue à la jambe de train en utilisant la vis indiquée ci-dessus. Fissare la carenatura alla gamba del carrello usando la vite indicata.
  • Page 19 AILERON SERVO AND RECEIVER INSTALLATION•EINBAU DER QUERRUDERSERVOS UND DES EMPFÄNGERS• INSTALLATION DES SERVOS D’AILERONS ET DU RÉCEPTEUR•INSTALLAZIONE DEL SERVO ALETTONI E DEL RICEVITORE The left aileron servo can now be installed in the wing. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill a Make sure the servo leads exit through the notch in the hole for the receiver antenna in the bottom of the wing.
  • Page 20 Connect a 12-inch (304mm) extension to the rudder and Use hook and loop tape to attach the receiver to the Connect the rudder and elevator servo leads to the elevator ports of the receiver. A 3-inch (76mm) lead is fuselage. The antenna facing toward the top of the correct extensions from the receiver.
  • Page 21 CONTROL LINKAGE INSTALLATION•EINBAU DER RUDERANLENKUNGEN•INSTALLATION DES COMMANDES•INSTALLAZIONE DEI COMANDI Remove the servo arms from the aileron servos. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to enlarge the hole in the aileron servo arm. Entfernen Sie den Servoarme von den Querruderservos. Vergrößern Sie wie abgebildet das Loch im Servoarm mit einem 1,5mm Bohrer.
  • Page 22 M2 x 6 With the radio system on, install the servo arms on the aileron servos. The arms will be parallel to the aileron hinge line. Slide a piece of silicone tubing on the clevis. Prepare the Slide the pushrod through the hole in the connector. With Setzen Sie mit eingeschalteter Fernsteuerung die aileron, rudder and elevator pushrod at this time.
  • Page 23 M2 x 6 M2 x 6 Place a long 3D servo arm on the elevator servo. The arm will be perpendicular to the servo center line when installed. Use side cutters to remove the arm facing Use a hobby knife to remove the webbed bracing from Attach the 2 -inch(55mm) pushrod to the inner hole Repeat Steps 9 through 11 to install the rudder linkage.
  • Page 24 MOTOR, SPEED CONTROL AND BATTERY INSTALLATION•EINBAU VON MOTOR UND FAHRTREGLER• INSTALLATION DU MOTEUR, DU CONTRÔLEUR ET DE LA BATTERIE•INSTALLAZIONE DI MOTORE, REGOLATORE E BATTERIA Use a pin vise and .050-inch (1mm) drill bit to drill a hole through the right side of the mount and into the motor stick near the rear of the mount.
  • Page 25 M1.6 x 5 M1.6 x 5 Plug the motor into the speed control. Attach the speed Secure the battery to the fuselage using the hook and control to the fuselage using hook and loop tape. Plug loop strap. A piece of hook and loop tape between the the speed control into the throttle port of your receiver.
  • Page 26 Important Information About Your Propeller Always ensure the propeller is balanced CAUTION: Never check the motor before installing it onto the shaft. An unbalanced rotation on the bench with the propeller propeller may cause poor flight characteristics. installed. The plane could move and cause serious injury.
  • Page 27 DECAL INSTALLATION• ANBRINGEN DER DEKORBOGEN• POSE DES AUTOCOLLANTS• INSTALLAZIONE DEGLI ADESIVI Apply the decals to your model using the photos located in this section of the manual and the box art from your model. Use a spray bottle and a drop of dish washing liquid or glass cleaner sprayed in the location of the decal to allow repositioning of the decal.
  • Page 28: Center Of Gravity

    CENTER OF GRAVITY DER SCHWERPUNKT CENTRE DE GRAVITÉ CENTRO DI GRAVITA’ (BARICENTRO) An important part of preparing the aircraft for fl ight is Ein sehr wichtiger Teil in der Flugvorbereitung ist es das Une des étapes importantes de la préparation d’un Un punto importante per preparare l’aereo al volo è...
  • Page 29: Control Throws

    CONTROL THROWS RUDERAUSSCHLÄGE 1. Turn on the transmitter and receiver of your model. Check the movement of the rudder using the transmitter. 1. Schalten Sie den Sender und Empfänger ihres Modells ein. Prüfen Sie die Seitenruderaussschläge mit dem Sender. When the stick is moved to the right, the rudder should also move right. Reverse the direction of the servo at the Bewegen Sie den Seitenruderstick nach rechts, sollte sich das Ruder auch nach rechts bewegen.
  • Page 30: Débattements

    DÉBATTEMENTS CORSE DEI COMANDI 1. Mettez l’émetteur et le récepteur sous tension. Contrôlez les mouvements de la dérive en utilisant votre émetteur. 1. Accendere trasmettitore e ricevitore del modello. Controllare i movimenti del timone agendo sul trasmettitore. Quand le manche est vers la droite, la dérive doit s’orienter vers la droite. Inversez la direction du servo à l’émetteur Quando lo stick va a destra, anche il timone deve andare a destra.
  • Page 31: Preflight Checklist

    PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST VORFLUGKONTROLLE CHECKLIST D’AVANT VOL LISTA DEI CONTROLLI PRIMA DEL VOLO • Charge the transmitter, receiver and motor • Laden Sie den Sender- ,Empfänger- und Zündakku • Chargez la batterie de votre émetteur, de réception • Caricare le batterie di trasmettitore, ricevitore battery for your airplane.
  • Page 32: Daily Flight Checks

    DAILY FLIGHT CHECKS TÄGLICHER FLUG CHECK CONTRÔLES SYSTÉMATIQUES CONTROLLI DI VOLO GIORNALIERI • Check the battery voltage of the transmitter battery. • Überprüfen Sie die Spannung des Senderakkus. • Contrôlez la tension de la batterie de l’émetteur. • Controllare la tensione della batteria del Do not fl...
  • Page 33 LIMITED WARRANTY What this Warranty Covers Limitation of Liability Inspection or Services Non-Warranty Service Horizon Hobby, Inc. (“Horizon”) warrants to the original HORIZON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, If this Product needs to be inspected or serviced and Should your service not be covered by purchaser that the product purchased (the “Product”) INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, is compliant in the country you live and use the Product...
  • Page 34: Garantie Und Service Informationen

    GARANTIE UND SERVICE INFORMATIONEN Warnung Horizon behält sich vor, alle eingesetzten Komponenten Sicherheitshinweise Garantie und Reparaturen zu prüfen, die in den Garantiefall einbezogen werden Ein ferngesteuertes Modell ist kein Spielzeug. Es Dieses ist ein hochwertiges Hobby Produkt und Garantieanfragen werden nur bearbeitet, wenn ein können.
  • Page 35: Garantie Et Réparations

    GARANTIE ET RÉPARATIONS Durée de la garantie La garantie ne couvre pas les dégâts résultant d’un Questions, assistance et réparations Réparations payantes montage ou d’une manipulation erronés, d’accidents Garantie exclusive - Horizon Hobby, Inc. (Horizon) Votre revendeur spécialisé local et le point de vente En cas de réparation payante, nous établissons un devis ou encore du fonctionnement ainsi que des tentatives garantit que le Produit acheté...
  • Page 36 GARANZIA Periodo di garanzia Limiti di danno Manutenzione e riparazione La garanzia esclusiva - Horizon Hobby, Inc., (Horizon) Horizon non si riterrà responsabile per danni speciali, Se il prodotto deve essere ispezionato o riparato, garantisce che i prodotti acquistati (il “Prodotto”) sono diretti, indiretti o consequenziali;...
  • Page 37: Instructions For Disposal Of Weee By Users In The European Union

    WARRANTY AND SERVICE CONTACT INFORMATION•GARANTIE UND SERVICE KONTAKTINFORMATIONEN• COORDONNÉES DE GARANTIE ET RÉPARATIONS•GARANZIA E REVISIONA INFORMAZIONI PER I CONTATTI Country of Horizon Hobby Contact Information Address Purchase Horizon Service Center (Repairs and Repair Requests) Form/ Horizon Product Support United States 4105 Fieldstone Rd bghj7ey8c?a=GenNewRecord...
  • Page 38: Ama National Model Aircraft Safety Code

    AMA NATIONAL MODEL AIRCRAFT SAFETY CODE Effective January 1, 2013 (h) Not operate model aircraft while under the infl uence B. RADIO CONTROL (RC) 7. Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person of alcohol or while using any drug which could adversely touch a model aircraft in fl...
  • Page 40 © 2013 Horizon Hobby, Inc. E-fl ite, EC3, Celectra and DSMX are trademarks or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, Inc. The Spektrum trademark is used with permission of Bachmann Industries, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks and logos are the property of their respective owners. job #35828 Created 02/2013...

Table des Matières