The health risks increase
substantially if:
You are pregnant.
If you and/or a member of
your family has previously
been diagnosed with skin
You are taking photosensitive
Your skin:
is designated as a light skin
type (skin type I or II);
reddens quickly in the sun;
has a large number of
moles or freckles.
Seek medical advice if ...
a mole increases in size or itches or if your skin shows any
other kinds of changes (patches etc.)
if you have any doubts regarding your skin, a medical treat-
ment, or similar.
Safety precautions
You must use the provided
safety goggles to protect
your eyes.
Do not expose yourself to
the radiation of a UV device
too often and always leave
at least 48 hours between
Avoid exposure to the sun
on the same day that you
have used a UV device.
Do not use the device in
conjunction with cosmetic
products or tanning accel-
SNS 45 B4