To go back to previous screen.
• To switch between character input and number input when using the "Organiser" functions ("Calendar",
"Phone Book" and "To Do").
• Press and hold to access the "Calculations" menu.
• To enter special characters in "Dictionary" mode and when using the "Organiser" functions ("Calendar",
"Phone Book" and "To Do").
• Press the SYM key and use the arrow keys to select special characters or accented letters. Then press
To access the "Favourite List" menu.
To access special functions and the settings menu:
• Display Language
• Spoken Entries Only
• Calculations (Calculator, Conversions)
• Games (777 Game, Snake, Hangman)
• Organiser (Calendar, Phone Book, To Do)
• Demo (Start-up Guide, User Demo, International Demo)
• Settings (Volume, Time, Contrast, Key Tone)
BACKSPACE: To delete a typed character.
• To translate the typed word or selected phrase.
• To confirm option shown on screen.
• To calculate answer in calculator mode (acts as =).
SHIFT: Hold this key and press the desired letter to enter capital letters in "Dictionary" mode and when using
the "Organiser" functions ("Calendar", "Phone Book" and "To Do").
SPACE: To type a space.
To scroll display up or searches for preceding words or phrases.
To scroll display down or searches for following words or phrases.
To move cursor to the left. Scrolls long words or phrases to the left.
To move cursor to the right. Scrolls long words or phrases to the right.
HOME: To select the HOME language (the language you wish to translate from).
Use the , ,
Note: Press the HOME key, and then press ENTER to switch the current home language to target language
and vice-versa.
TARGET: To select the TARGET language (the language you wish to translate to).
Use the , ,
Note: Press the TARGET key, and then press ENTER to switch the current target language to home
language and vice-versa.
To type numbers in "Calculator" and "Conversions" modes.
To add, subtract, multiply and divide in "Calculator" mode.
To type a decimal point in "Calculator" mode.
M+, M-, MRC in "Calculator" mode.
Percentage, Square root, Plus/Minus sign in "Calculator" mode.
CE / C in "Calculator" and "Conversions" modes.
MT1500IM0278_v2.indd 4
keys to select the desired HOME language. Press ENTER to confirm.
keys to select the desired TARGET language. Press ENTER to confirm.
19/8/08 18:40:06