23390 RhB Railcar
The Bernina line of the Rhätische Bahn
connects St. Moritz in Switzerland with
Tirano in Italy, traversing the Bernina
Pass with numerous curves and loops.
On this line, the RhB railcars were used
not only for passenger service, but also
to haul freight trains, often even dou-
ble-heading in front of heavy trains. The
LGB model is a detailed reproduction of
the prototype in the livery of the 1980s.
This detailed model features:
- weather-resistant construction
- six opening doors
- engineer figure, can be placed in
either cab
- two traveler figures
- two power control switches
- track or catenary power operation
- two protecteded gearboxes with
seven-pole Bühler motors
- eight powered wheels
- two traction tires
- twelve power pickups
- voltage stabilization circuit with
surge protection
- automatic directional lighting
- two multi-purpose sockets with cir-
cuit breakers
- DCC-Interface
- length: 635 mm (25.0 in.)
- weight: 3900 g (8.6 lb.)
With this model, we recommend the
following items:
- 32520 RhB 2nd Class Passenger Car,
- 30553 RhB 1st Class Passenger Car,
A 2081
- 41810 RhB Boxcar, Gb 4805
- 51950 RhB Lighted Signal
- 65004 European Electric Loco Sound
For information on the complete LGB
program, see the LGB catalog.
Operating Modes
This model can be operated with track
power or with power from an LGB cate-
nary system. There are two power con-
trol switches located under the roof of
the front cab (underneath the panto-
graph) (Fig. 1, 2). Use the rear switch to
select track or catenary power:
Position U: track power (factory pre-set)
Position O: catenary power
Use the front switch to select among
the following functions:
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights
Position 2: Power to motors and lights
Position 3: same as Position 2
(factory pre-set)
Attention: Do not connect this model to
other loco models with different start-
ing characteristics. This can damage
the internal gearing.
Multi-Train System
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, the loco features a "Back-
EMF" function. This keeps the motor
speed constant (and under normal con-
ditions the loco speed), even when the
load of the loco changes, for example,
in curves or on grades. This feature
does not work at top speed, because
additional voltage must be available to
overcome any added load.