Air Fx Irrigator Instructions for Use - EN
3 Operating instructions
3.1 Maintain Distilled Water Level
Prior to testing, verify fresh
the top of the irrigator case. If the water level is too low, then unscrew the cap to the water reservoir and
distilled or demineralized water
back snugly on the water reservoir to prevent evaporation.
3.2 Attaching the Speculum
In order to use the Air Fx, you have to use a speculum on the tip of the otoscope head. The specula are
single use only and must be replaced for each new patient. Interacoustics recommends the use of
2.75mm diameter specula to better deliver the air to the tympanic membrane. The 4.25mm speculum can
be used to view the ear canal and tympanic membrane when looking for any ear wax build-up.
To assemble a speculum on the ear tip of the handle, you have to insert it on the tip of the otoscope and
turn it clockwise about 45°. A small plastic tip will be locked in the metal part of the head and will fix the
speculum on the handle. Pull gently on the speculum to verify it is secure.
Figure 3 Place Speculum on Otoscope Head
Specula are latex free and silicone free. Be aware not to put too much torque on the speculum or you will
break the plastic nub on the inside of the speculum, preventing the speculum from securing to the handle.
Once this tip is broken, the speculum cannot be secured again on the handle. The speculum can be
removed from the handle by first turning the speculum counterclockwise to unlock. The speculum must
be tight to prevent air leaks that will reduce the caloric stimulation response.
distilled or demineralized water
up to 1cm from the threads as shown by the label. Screw the cap
DO NOT USE tap water as minerals in water will be deposited on critical internal
components and will cause damage that is not covered by warranty.
Figure 4 Turn Speculum Clockwise to Lock, Pull Gently on
Speculum to Verify It's Secure
level is visible in the water reservoir above