Take-Off, Flight And Flying Techniques; Rapid Descent Techniques - SKY PARAGLIDERS ARGOS 2014 Manuel De L'utilisateur

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ARGOS can be fl own conventionally. However there are several points listed
below which should allow you to familiarize yourself with your new paraglider
more quickly.
1) Checking the paraglider before take-off
 Lastly, check that the brake handles are correctly attached and that each
line runs freely in its pulley.
 Check the sail for damages to surface, internal structure (ribs, diagonals)
and seams.
 Check that the lines are not damaged or tangled.
 Check that the quick links which connect the lines to the risers are
undamaged and tightened correctly.
 Check that the risers are not damaged or twisted.
 Check that the speed system works freely and that the lines are long
enough to ensure that the speed system is not permanently on.
 Lastly, check that the brake handles are correctly attached and that each
line runs freely in its pulley.
2) Take-off
Lay the paraglider out with the leading edge in a horseshoe shape. Hold
the A risers close to the quick links and move forward until the lines get
stretched. You should now be perfectly centered with your wing. With no
wind or light headwind, with lines stretched ARGOS infl ates rapidly and
rises over your head with some dynamic steps. We recommend that you
do not pull risers too forward or down, which could cause a collapse of
the leading edge, but simply follow them until your glider reaches its
angle of fl ight. It is important that the gravity center of your body stays in
front of your feet during the rise of the glider to constantly load the risers.
A controlled infl ation allows you to check the wings and lines during the last
phase as it comes up and thus avoids the need to use brakes. Depending
on the wind conditions or the slope an adequate use of brakes can help you
to take-off more quickly.
3) Landing
Because of the exceptional glide, high caution is recommended in the
stages of approaching and landing. ARGOS is an agile glider, any action on
the brakes may cause signifi cant reactions. It is therefore recommended to
execute the fi rst fl ights in a familiar environment and under easy conditions.
With negative steering there is more time for the maneuvers to be performed
steadily, which results in reducing the pendulum movements of the
Reminder: Negative steering involves applying the brakes symmetrically by
about 30% of the maximum range to slow the paraglider and a simultaneous
turning by means of releasing the outside brake. Speeding up just prior to
landing allows a more effective fl are and therefore a gentler landing.
4) Turning
ARGOS was designed to perform well in turns and will core the thermals
even without active piloting. Negative steering (see above), on the one hand
slows the paraglider in certain phases of the fl ight and on the other hand
reduces excessive rolling during turn reversals. It is not only designed to
turn (with approx. 30% brake) but also to fl y slowly in order to help identify
the areas of lift and to keep the paraglider fl atter to minimize the sink rate in
a turn (with 15% brake).
Symmetrical brake-input at 20-30 % enables you to keep your wing under
control – to brake further when pitching and to release when the canopy
banks up.

5) Rapid Descent Techniques

In order to descend, the paraglider must be moved away from the areas of
lift. In case any diffi culties occur, the following techniques might be used to
increase the sink rate.
Big Ears
 Pull in the outside A lines until the wingtips fold back on themselves.
 It is recommended to fold the wingtips separately and not at the same time.
 Keep the lines taut to stop the wingtips from reopening.
 Depending on the size of big ears, the sink rate can increase up to 3–4 m/s.
As soon as the lines are released, the paraglider should spontaneously reopen.
However, you can speed up the reopening by „pumping" the brakes. When
pumping the brakes it is recommended that one side of the paraglider be
opened after the other. Pulling both brakes simultaneously can result in a stall.
Spiral Drive
ARGOS is a maneuverable wing that responds to any input easily. To initiate
the spiral apply one brake progressively to about 35% and hold it in its
position. The speed of rotation will increase progressively as well as the
pressure on the brake and the centrifugal force that is perceived. The angle
or the speed of rotation can be decreased or increased by releasing or
pulling the brake by several centimeters.
Once mastered, the spiral allows you to descend by more than 10 m/s.
Movements which are extremely abrupt or badly synchronized, or a very quick
initiation of the spiral can result in an asymmetrical collapse or a spin.
CAUTION: A deep spiral is a demanding maneuver. The kinetic energy
obtained must be reduced by slow releasing the inside brake.
B-line Stall
Grasp the B risers at the quick links and pull them down symmetrically.
The paraglider will drop backwards before entering in a parachutal stall
stabilizing overhead. The descent rate increases to 6 - 8 m/s. In order
to release the B-line stall raise both hands together in a single quick


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Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Argos s-m 2014Argos m-l 2014Argos l 2014Argos l-xl 2014

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