9 Fill-to-target function
The balance allows weighing of goods to a certain target weight or target piece
number within defined tolerances. With this function one can also check if the
weighing good is within a defined tolerance range. Tolerance control is possible in
weighing or target mode.
Reaching the target value is indicated by an acoustic (if activated in menu) and an
optic signal (tolerance mark ).
Audio signal:
The acoustic signal is dependent of the adjustment in the menu block
bEEP off
bEEP on in
bEEP on out
Optical signal:
The tolerance marker provides the following information:
Acoustic signal turned off
Acoustic signal sounds if the weighted piece is within the given
Acoustic signal sounds if the weighted piece is outside the
given tolerance
Target number /target weight exceeds given tolerance
Target number /target weight within given tolerance
Target number /target weight below given tolerance