Sommaire des Matières pour Sentinel ELIMINATOR-SPARESKIT
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Quadra-Cyclone Technology ™ System Filter Isolation valves Valvole di isolamento Vannes d’isolement Filter Absperrkugelhahn Filtro Isolatiekleppen Filtre Filter Filter Drain valve Valvola di scarico Vanne de vidange Abflussventil Afvoerklep Guarantee registration Pipe cutter guide Installation / maintenance guide Documento di Garanzia Guida per il taglio dei tubi Manuale d’installazione e manutenzione Bon de Garantie...
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Valvola di scarico (con sicurezza) Pour une démonstration en images de l’Eliminator, consultez Vanne de vidange sécurisée Für eine Produktvorführung schauen Sie bitte bei Eingriffsgesichertes Ablassventil YouTube nach oder via Afvoerklep eliminator Een productdemonstratie kunt u vinden op onze website:
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INITIAL INSTALLATION INSTALLAZIONE INSTALLATION Attach drain valve to filter in closed position ErSTINSTALLATION Raccordare la valvola di scarico al filtro, in posizione chiusa OOrSPrONKELIJKE INSTALLATIE Raccorder la vanne de vidange au filtre, en position fermée Befestigen Sie den Ablasskugelhahn am Filter in geschlossener Position Bevestig de aftapkraan gesloten op de filter Ensure heating system is turned off and drained...
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Measure length of pipe using pipe cutter Attach main body to T piece. Orientate guide on the edge of the page. Cut pipe filter so that it is in a vertical position with drain valve pointing downwards Misurare la lunghezza del tubo da tagliare usando la guida sul bordo di questa Posizionare il filtro sul raccordo a T.
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VALVE OPErATION FUNZIONAMENTO DELLE VALVOLE FONCTIONNEMENT DES VANNES Open isolation valves to continue operation INSTALLATION DEr KUgELhähNE Aprire le valvole di isolamento per rimettere in funzione l’impianto BEDIENINg VAN DE AFSLUITErS Ouvrir les vannes d’isolement pour remettre l’installation en service Öffnen Sie die Absperrkugelhähne um die Installation fortzuführen Open alle afsluiters op het leidingwerk om de stroming te activeren Closed...
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Vanne de vidange Pour ouvrir - Retirer le capuchon. Utiliser une clé à mollette 11mm pour retirer l’écrou. Tirer la poignée, la faire pivoter, replacer puis tourner pour ouvrir la vanne. (1) (2) (3) Pour fermer - Mettre la vanne en position fermée, tirer la poignée, tourner et remettre en place.
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Chiudere la valvola di uscita dal filtro SYSTEEM rEINIgINg Fermer la vanne de sortie du filtre Sentinel recommend that cleaning is carried out during the annual system service. Schließen des oberen Sentinel raccomanda di pulire il filtro durante la manutenzione annuale Kugelhahnes dell’impianto.
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OPTIONAL Open drain valve Open bleed valve to remove any trapped Aprire la valvola di scarico water. Unscrew bin for a complete clean. Ouvrir la vanne de vidange Re-attach bin Ablasskugelhahn vorsichtig öffnen Aprire la valvola di sfiato per togliere l’acqua intrappolata.
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Release any trapped air using bleed valve (page 11) Close drain valve, replace magnet tray and remove collection bin from main body. Fill bin with Sentinel X100 Concentrate and replace bin on filter Rilasciare eventuale aria intrappolata usando la valvola di sfiato (pag 11) Chiudere la valvola di scarico, reinserire il collettore magnetico e svitare il Libérer tout l’air piégé...
IMPORTANTE: si prega di completare ed inviare il modulo riportato sul retro di to Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd to activate your 2 year guarantee. questa guida (pag. 23) a Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd per attivare la vostra garanzia di 2 anni.
IMPORTANT : Veuillez compléter et retourner le bon de garantie au dos de ce WICHTIG: Bitte füllen Sie das Formular auf der Rückseite aus und senden (seite 23) guide (page 23) à Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd pour activer la garantie, es an Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd. um Ihre 24-Monatsgarantie freizuschalten valable 2 ans.
Telephone / Telefono / Téléphone / Telefon / Telefoon Voor verdere informatie of advies over dit product of andere SENTINEL producten Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd and its sister companies may wish to send you information on kunt u contact opnemen met: products, services and promotions in the future.
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Date of installation/Data d’installazione/Date d’installation/Tag der Erstinstallation /Datum van installatie: Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd and its sister companies may wish to send you information on products, services and promotions in the future. If you would like to receive communications please tick here - via Post...