Table des Matières


Liens rapides

Fusion 27
Operator's Manual
Battery Burnisher
Manual del operador
Pulidora de batería
Manuel de l'utilisateur
Batterie Burnisher
Patent Pending
This book has important information for the use and safe operation of this machine. Failure to read this
book prior to operating or attempting any service or maintenance procedure to your Clarke machine
could result in injury to you or to other personnel; damage to the machine or to other property could occur
as well. You must have training in the operation of this machine before using it. If your operator(s) cannot
read English, have this manual explained fully before attempting to operate this machine.
Si Ud. o sus operadores no pueden leer el Inglés, se hagan explicar este manual completamente antes
de tratar el manejo o servicio de esta máquina.
All directions given in this book are as seen from the operator's position at the rear of the machine.
For new books write to: Clarke
, 2100 Highway 265, Springdale, Arkansas 72764.
Form No. 70788B 10/04
Printed in the U.S.A.


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Clarke Fusion 27

  • Page 1 This book has important information for the use and safe operation of this machine. Failure to read this book prior to operating or attempting any service or maintenance procedure to your Clarke machine could result in injury to you or to other personnel; damage to the machine or to other property could occur as well.
  • Page 2: Table Des Matières

    Operator Safety Instructions ..........................5 Introduction & Machine Specifications ......................6 Procedures For Transporting ........................... 11 Symbols Used On Fusion 27 Machine ......................14 Machine Control Panel ............................. 17 How To Prepare The Machine For Operation ....................21 How To Install The Batteries ......................21 Battery Maintenance ...........................
  • Page 3 Este manual contiene información importante acerca del uso y la seguridad de la máquina. Si no lee el manual antes de utilizar su máquina Clarke o de intentar realizar los procedimientos de reparación o mantenimiento de la misma, usted o el resto del personal podrían sufrir lesiones; asimismo, podrían producirse daños a la máquina o a otras propiedades.
  • Page 4: En Attente De Brevet

    La non-lecture de ce manuel avant d’utiliser ou d’entretenir votre machine Clarke risque de provoquer un accident ou d’endommager la machine ou son environnement. Vous devez avoir été formé à l’utilisation de cette machine avant de l’utiliser. Si l’opérateur n’est pas en mesure de lire ce Manuel, il devra se le faire expliquer entièrement avant de...
  • Page 5: Operator Safety Instructions

    Failure to read the Owner's Manual prior to operating or attempting any service or maintenance procedure to your Clarke machine could result in injury to you or to other personnel; damage to the machine or to other property could occur as well.
  • Page 6: Introduction & Machine Specifications

    Introduction & Machine Specifications Clarke’s newly designed Fusion 27 battery burnisher is an efficient and superior floor burnishing machine . The machine uses a pad to burnish a path 27 inches wide. The powder created by burnishing is collected by a dust system.
  • Page 7: Instrucciones De Seguridad Para El Operador

    Usted o el resto del personal pueden sufrir lesiones si no leen el manual de instrucciones antes de operar, intentar reparar o realizar mantenimiento a su máquina Clarke. Asimismo, pueden producirse daños a la máquina o a otras propiedades. Antes de utilizar la máquina, es necesario recibir la capacitación adecuada en la operación de la misma.
  • Page 8: Introducción Y Especificaciones De La Máquina

    Introducción y especificaciones de la máquina La pulidora de batería de nuevo diseño Fusion 27 de Clarke es una máquina eficiente y superior para pulido de pisos . La máquina utiliza una almohadilla para pulir un camino de 68,6 cm (27 pulgadas) de ancho. El polvo que se genera en el pulido lo recoge un sistema para el polvo.
  • Page 9: Consignes De Securite Destinees A L'operateur

    DANGER : La non-lecture du Manuel de l’utilisateur avant d’utiliser ou de tenter d’entretenir votre machine Clarke est susceptible de provoquer un accident ; un endommagement de la machine ou de son environnement est également possible. Vous devez avoir été formé à l’utilisation de cette machine avant de l’utiliser. Si l’opérateur n’est pas en mesure de lire ce Manuel, il devra se le faire expliquer...
  • Page 10: Introduction Et Caractéristiques De La Machine

    Introduction et caractéristiques de la machine La nouvelle polisseuse à batteries Fusion 27 de Clarke est une machine à polir les sols efficace de qualité supérieure . La machine utilise un disque lui permettant de polir sur une largeur de 68,5 cm. La poudre créée par le polissage est recueilli par un système d’aspiration de la poussière.
  • Page 11: Procedures For Transporting

    8. Put the traverse speed in the "HI" position. 9. As the machine begins to travel down the ramp, push the control handles toward the machine to maintain a slow downward speed. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 11 -...
  • Page 12: Procedimientos Para Transporte

    8. Sitúe la velocidad de desplazamiento en la posición “HI” (alta). 9. A medida que la máquina comienza a descender por la rampa, empuje las manijas de control hacia la máquina para mantener una velocidad de descenso lenta. ® Clarke Page -12- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 13 9. Lorsque la machine commence à descendre le long du plan incliné, poussez la manette de commandes vers la machine afin de conserver une vitesse de descente lente. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 13 -...
  • Page 14: Symbols Used On Fusion 27 Machine

    SYMBOLS USED ON FUSION 27 Warning Pad Pressure Power Hour Meter Traverse Speed Control Warning Label Pad Up/Down Charge/Battery Meter ® Clarke Page -14- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 15: Símbolos Utilizados En La Máquina Fusion 27

    Advertencia Presión de almohadilla Alimentación Cuentavueltas calibrado en horas de trabajo Control de velocidad de desplazamiento Almohadilla arriba / abajo Etiqueta de advertencia Medidor de carga / batería Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 15 -...
  • Page 16: Symboles Utilises Sur La Fusion

    SYMBOLES UTILISES SUR LA FUSION 27 Avertissement Pression du disque Alimentation Compteur horaire Contrôle de la vitesse de déplacement Autocollant d’avertissement Disque Haut/Bas Indicateur de charge des batteries ® Clarke Page -16- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 17: Machine Controls

    It will shut the pad motor off when the battery voltage gets too low. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 17 -...
  • Page 18: Controles De La Máquina

    Si la tensión de la batería desciende demasiado, detiene el motor de la almohadilla. ® Clarke Page -18- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 19: Commandes De La Machine

    Lorsque la tension de la batterie devient trop faible, le moteur du disque s’éteint. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 19 -...
  • Page 20: Machine Controls Controles De La Máquina Commandes De La Machine

    MACHINE CONTROLS CONTROLES DE LA MÁQUINA COMMANDES DE LA MACHINE Figure 1 Figura 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figura 2 Figura 3 ® Clarke Page -20- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 21: How To Prepare The Machine For Operation

    HOW TO PREPARE THE MACHINE FOR OPERATION How To Install The Batteries The Fusion 27 machines uses six 6-volt batteries. The batteries are located in the battery compartment under the battery cover. To Install the batteries, follow this procedure: 1. Turn key switch off.
  • Page 22: Preparación De La Máquina Para El Funcionamiento

    PREPARACIÓN DE LA MÁQUINA PARA EL FUNCIONAMIENTO Instalación de las baterías Las máquinas Fusion 27 utilizan seis baterías de 6 voltios. Dichas baterías están situadas en el compartimiento para baterías bajo la cubierta de las baterías. Para instalar las baterías siga este procedimiento: 1.
  • Page 23: Preparation De La Machine Avant Utilisation

    PREPARATION DE LA MACHINE AVANT UTILISATION Installation des batteries Les machines Fusion 27 utilisent six batteries de 6 volts. Les batteries sont situées dans le compartiment à batteries, sous le panneau des batteries. Pour installer les batteries, appliquez la procédure suivante : 1.
  • Page 24: How To Charge The Batteries

    1. Make sure the key switch is in the “OFF” position. 2. Connect the charger to a properly grounded single phase (3-wire) wall receptacle having the voltage, frequency, and ampere capacity specified on the nameplate of the charger. ® Clarke Page -24- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 25: Carga De Las Baterías

    (3 broches) correctement reliée à la terre cargador. possédant la tension, la fréquence et l’intensité spécifiée sur la plaque signalétique du chargeur. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 25 -...
  • Page 26: How To Operate The Machine

    Réglages than 2-3 seconds, it is recommended that you reduce recommandés the amount of pad pressure being applied to the floor. Refer to the "Pad Pressure Adjustment" instructions. Figure 8 ® Clarke Page -26- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 27: Utilisation De La Machine

    Consulte las disque en contact avec le sol. Consultez la section instrucciones “Ajuste de la presión de la almohadilla”. « Réglage de la pression du disque ». Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 27 -...
  • Page 28: Pad Pressure Adjustment

    See figure 11. 6. To turn the machine, push the rear of the machine to the side. 7. When you stop the machine, turn the key switch "OFF". Figure 11 ® Clarke Page -28- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 29: Ajuste De La Presión De La Almohadilla

    7. Cuando detenga la máquina, gire el interruptor de 7. Lorsque vous arrêtez la machine, mettez le llave a “OFF” (apagado). commutateur à clé en position « OFF ». Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 29 -...
  • Page 30: Maintenance

    3. Check the hoses for leaks, obstructions and other damages. 4. Use a grease gun to lubricate the casters. See figure 5. The main tires are foam filled. They do not require air. ® Clarke Page -30- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 31: Entretien

    5. Los neumáticos principales están rellenos de espuma. No necesitan aire. 4. Utilisez un pistolet-graisseur pour lubrifier les roulettes. Cf. figure 14. 5. Les pneus principaux sont remplis de mousse. Ils ne nécessitent pas d’air. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 31 -...
  • Page 32 NOTES ® Clarke Page -32- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 33 Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher Section II Parts and Service Manual (70788A) Patent Pending Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 33 -...
  • Page 34: How To Correct Problems In The Machine

    Machine pulls right. Pad pressure too high on right. Tighten right front lift plate nut. Tighten left front lift plate nut. Machine pulls left. Pad pressure too high on left. ® Clarke Page -34- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 35: Corrección De Problemas De La Máquina

    Apriete la tuerca de la placa de elevación La máquina se desvía hacia la Presión de la almohadilla demasiado alta frontal izquierda. izquierda. en el lado izquierdo. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 35 -...
  • Page 36: Resolution Des Problemes Rencontres Avec La Machine

    La pression du disque est trop élevée à soulèvement avant droite. droite. La machine tire à gauche. La pression du disque est trop élevée à Resserrez l’écrou de la plaque de soulèvement avant gauche. gauche. ® Clarke Page -36- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 37 4. Traverse the machine to verify the pad motor comes on. If not, the lever on the touch down switch must be bent to contact the main frame sooner. Figure #13 Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 37 -...
  • Page 38 4. Mueva la máquina para verificar que se enciende el motor de la almohadilla. En caso contrario, la palanca del interruptor táctil debe doblarse para contactar antes con la unidad principal. Figura 13 ® Clarke Page -38- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 39 Dans le cas contraire, le levier du commutateur doit être plié pour entrer en contact avec le châssis principal le plus tôt possible. Figure 13 Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 39 -...
  • Page 40: Final Assembly Drawing 9/04

    ® Clarke Fusion 27 Final Assembly Drawing 9/04 Drawing # (01264A) 16 17 ® Clarke Page -40- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 41 Cable, Black (NI) 77092A Label, Gases (NI) NOTE: indicates a change has been made since the last publication of this manual. *Front and Back Spacers ** Left and Right Spacers Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 41 -...
  • Page 42: Dust Tank Assembly Drawing And Parts List 9/04

    50248A Clamp, Hose 30586A Adaptor, Dust Hose 53427A Plug, 1-1/2 30481A Tank 70849A Label, Battery Install NOTE: indicates a change has been made since the last publication of this manual. ® Clarke Page -42- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 43: Head/Mainframe Asssembly Drawing And Parts List

    Screw, Hex Cap 1/4-20 x 3 change has been made Pg 24,25 Pad Head Asm. Ref. since the last publica- 70779B Label tion of this manual. 70673A Label Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 43 -...
  • Page 44: Mainframe Assembly Drawing 7/04

    ® Clarke Fusion 27 Mainframe Assembly Drawing 7/04 Drawing # (10597A) ® Clarke Page -44- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 45 Spring, Urethane, Red 920365 Nut, Nylock - 1/2-13 59116A Transaxle 899769 Caster, Asm. 81105A Nut, Lock 3/8-16 65963A Mount, Transaxle 81221A Nut, 1/2-20 59955A Wheel Asm., Foam Filled Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 45 -...
  • Page 46 ® Clarke Fusion 27 Pad Head Assembly Parts List 9/04 ® Clarke Page -46- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 47 30576A Skirt 920110 Nut, Nylock 5/16-18 30570A Bumper 53555A Clamp, Hose 95" 77091A Label NOTE: indicates a change has been made since the last publication of this manual. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 47 -...
  • Page 48: Pad Motor

    Fusion 27 Pad Motor 40660B 1/04 Ref # Part No. Description Field Cover Brush Board 7-76-00110 Spring Bracket Brush Wave Washer Screw 902550 Bearing Armature Assembly 98660A Bearing 85517A Screw ® Clarke Page -48- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 49: Transaxle

    Clarke ® Fusion 27 Imperial Transaxle Parts 1/04 PN 59116A Transaxle has black motor All models after SN#YH Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 49 -...
  • Page 50: Control Panel Assembly Drawing 9/04

    ® Clarke Fusion 27 Control Panel Assembly Drawing 9/04 Drawing# 10599A ® Clarke Page -50- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 51 Harness, Charger/Battery Meter NOTE: indicates a change has been made since the last publication of this manual. * NI = Not illustrated #29 must use red loctite set screws. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 51 -...
  • Page 52: Rear Cover Assembly Drawing 9/04

    ® Clarke Fusion 27 Rear Cover Assembly Drawing 9/04 Drawing # 10595A ® Clarke Page -52- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 53 70080A Plate, Warning 930093 Rivet -------- Serial Number Plate 70777B Label 30484A Retainer, Cord NOTE: indicates a change has been made since the last publication of this manual. Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 53 -...
  • Page 54: Electrical Schematic 6/04

    ® Clarke Fusion 27 Electrical Schematic 6/04 ® Clarke Page -54- Operator's Manual -Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher...
  • Page 55: Connection Diagram

    Clarke ® Fusion 27 Connection Diagrams 6/04 INSIDE CONTROL HOUSING Clarke ® Operator's Manual - Fusion 27 Battery Burnisher - 55 -...
  • Page 56 NOTES...
  • Page 57 29815 John R. +49 0180 5 37 37 37 (810) 544-6300 ALTO Cleaning Systems (UK) Ltd., Penrith ® American Lincoln / Clarke, Marietta, Georgia 30066 Gilwilly Industrial Estate 1455 Canton Road Penrith (770) 973-5225 Cumbria CA11 9BN +44 1768 868 995 ALTO France S.A.
  • Page 58: Battery Warranty

    Clarke's liability under this warranty is limited to repair of the product and/or replacement of parts and is given to purchaser in lieu of all other remedies, including INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.

Table des Matières