Reptile Rain
Reptile Rain is ideally suited for keeping terrariums humid and for
watering plants. Especially reptiles and amphibians from tropical
rainforests need a constantly high humidity in order to stay heal-
thy. Reptiles from the subtropical steppe also need a raised level of
humidity in the early morning hours. The amount of water sprayed
by Reptile Rain can be infinitely adjusted. We recommend the use
of a regulation and control device (e.g. TRIXIE thermo-/hygrostat
or timer) to ensure optimal operation.
The parts
The low-voltage pump (12 V) provides a consistent performance
that is infinitely adjustable. The pump performance depends
on the setting chosen as well as the number of spray heads and
dripping nozzles attached. Should air have remained in the system,
this can lead to diminished performance at the beginning. If less
than 4 spray heads are used, we recommend reducing the output
Spray heads:
The spray heads included have a jet angle of 50° and can be rota-
ted and pivoted. They allow optimal humidification of terrariums
and watering of plants.
Dripping nozzle:
The dripping nozzle serves to water plants continuously and can
also be used as drinking water supply e.g. for chameleons. The
dripping frequency can be adjusted as needed. The dripping nozzle
should always be attached to the end of the tube (after the spray
Mounting elements :
The mounting elements included allow attaching the spray heads
and the tube underneath wooden cover plates or gauze coverings.
The screws required for this are included as well.
The tube has to be cut to the required lengths as needed. Please
make sure that the cuts are straight.
L-Connector 90°:
The L-connector allows the tube to be bent at 90° without
kinking it.
TRIXIE Heimtierbedarf · Industriestr. 32 · 24963 Tarp · GERMANY · www.trixie.de
Water filter:
The water filter included will prevent dirt particles from blocking
the pump. If water is taken directly from the terrarium, however,
pre-filtration is needed.
Extension of the system/Accessories:
The system can be extended with further spray heads and dripping
nozzles. The capacity of the pump can supply up to 8 spray heads
plus a dripping nozzle, depending on the set-up. Without dripping
nozzle, up to 12 spray heads can be used.
Operation and Set-up
The power supply unit must be positioned in a place where it can-
not get wet. Before connecting the PSU to mains (socket), please
ensure that the connection of the PSU to the pump case is secure
and that the switch on the pump has been set to 0.
The location of the pump case should also be outside the terra-
rium so that it cannot get wet. The maximum pumping head is
about 2.25 m (depending on the number of spray heads used). This
needs to be taken into account when installing the system.
The pump should not be on the same level or lower than the water
tank, as in that case the water tank might run dry and flood the
The surface should be even and allow sufficient space for access
and adjustment work.
Connecting the pump to the tube:
The incoming connection from the water tank to the pump is
made on the right side (IN). The outgoing connection from the
pump to the spray heads goes out on the left (OUT).
In order to connect the tube to the pump, first unscrew the wing
nuts from the case and push them over the tube with their small
opening first. In a second step, carefully push the tube into the
holding fixture of the pump case. Now screw the nuts tight again.
This provides a firm connection of tube and holding fixture. If the
tube is rather stiff, it can be made subtle by moistening it.
In case the pump does not draw in water when first used, the
vacuum necessary for the starting up can be produced by sucking
with your mouth on the supply tube. For this we recommend
connecting the pump to two pieces of hose (approx. 40 cm) and
then sucking water from the water tank into the device while the
pump is running. As soon as water has been drawn into the pump,
it will start working. After this procedure, the installation can be
continued as planned.
Connecting the water tank to the pump:
In order to join the tube to the cover, unfasten the nuts on the
cover and push them over the tube with the small opening first. In
a second step, carefully push the tube into the holding fixture in
the cover. Now screw the nuts tight again.
Finally fit the water filter into the end of the supply tube by
turning it.
The difference in height between the pump and the water tank
should not exceed 120 cm, as otherwise the suction capacity
might not be sufficient.
Connecting the spray heads/dripping nozzle to the tube:
In order to connect the tube and the spray heads/dripping nozzle,
unscrew the wing nuts from the holding fixture and push them
over the tube with the small opening first. In a second step,
carefully push the tube into the holding fixture of the spray head/