Proceed as following to swap the engraved focus ring from feet to meters
(or vice versa) :
Place the engraved focus ring (20 or 21) at the infinity stop
Trace a line on the focus witness mark ring (19) opposite the infinity line
(Picture 14)
Unscrew the 3 engraved focus ring screws (22) : to gain access to these 3
screws, turn the engraved focus ring (20 or 21) to make them successively
appear in the window on the focus witness mark ring (19).
remove the lens bracket (5) by unscrewing its screws (4) (Picture 15)
Picture 14
Figure 14
OPTIMO 45-120
7 - enGraVeD FOcUs rInG rePLaceMenT I reMPLaceMenT De La BaGUe GraVÉe De MIse aU POInT
remove the engraved focus ring (20 or 21) (Picture 16)
Install the new engraved focus ring (20 or 21) (Picture 17)
Turn the engraved focus ring (20 or 21) to align the infinity line with the
line done before on the focus witness mark ring (19) (Picture 18) and
tighten the first visible screw (22)
Turn the engraved focus ring (20 or 21) to install the 2 others screws (22)
check the alignment between the infinity line with the line done before
on the focus witness mark ring (19) and install the lens bracket (5) by
screwing its screws (4)
Picture 15
Figure 15
Picture 16
Figure 16