1) The considered substance must be selected as measuring gas. The calibration must be carried out with the selected substance or alternatively with approx. 50 %LEL propane.
2) When methyl chloroformate is measured in concentrations higher than 70 %LEL, the deviances of the measured values exceed the permissible deviances listed in EN 60079-29-1.
3) The year of construction is indicated by the third letter of the serial number on the type plate: Y = 2007, Z = 2008, A = 2009, B = 2010, C = 2011, etc.
Example: serial number ARYH-0054, the third letter is Y, so the year of construction is 2007.
Performance Characteristics (Typical Values)
in "normal response mode"
in "fast response mode"
Linearity error
Long-term drift (12 months),
Temperature influence, –40 to +77 °C
span at 50 %LEL
Effect of humidity,
0 to 100 % rel. hum. at 40 °C
span at 50 %LEL
Pressure influence, 700 to 1300 mbar
< ±0.18 % rel./mbar
EN 45544-2
Type: IDS 0105
Exposure measurements (only 4-20 mA signal output) - PFG 16 G 003 X
Carbon dioxide - in the measuring ranges 60 ppm to 1 vol.% and 110 ppm to 10 vol.%
Temperature range 0 to +55°C
EN 45544-3
Type: IDS 0105
General gas warning applications (only 4-20 mA signal output) - PFG 16 G 003 X
Carbon dioxide - in the measuring ranges 0 to 2000 ppm, 0 to 1 vol.% and 0 to 10 vol.%
Dräger PIR 7000 Type 334
±0.5 %LEL
±0.25 %LEL
±1.0 %LEL
±0.5 %LEL
< ±1.5 %LEL
< ±1.2 %LEL
for 0-100 %LEL
for 0-100 %LEL
< ±1.0 %LEL
< ±1.0 %LEL
< ±1.0 %LEL
< ±2.0 %LEL
< ±0.17 %LEL/°C
< ±0.1 %LEL/°C
< ±0.5 %LEL
< ±0.5 %LEL
< ±2.4 %LEL
< ±0.9 %LEL
< ±0.13 % rel./mbar
Dräger PIR 7000 Type 340
±1.0 %LEL
±0.25 %LEL
±2.0 %LEL
±0.5 %LEL
< ±2.4 %LEL
< ±1.0 %LEL
for 0-100 %LEL
for 0-100 %LEL
< ±2.0 %LEL
< ±0.6 %LEL
< ±3.0 %LEL
< ±1.0 %LEL
< ±0.13 %LEL/°C
< ±0.07 %LEL/°C
< ±1.7 %LEL
< ±0.8 %LEL
< ±1.2 %LEL
< ±1.1 %LEL
< ±0.16 % rel./mbar
< ±0.13 % rel./mbar
Dräger PIR 7200
Carbon dioxide
±0.5 %LEL
±0.01 vol.% at 0 vol.%
±0.05 vol.% at 5 vol.%
±1.0 %LEL
±0.02 vol.% at 0 vol.%
±0.1 vol.% at 5 vol.%
< ±2.5 %LEL
< ±60 ppm at 0–2000 ppm
for 0-100 %LEL
< ±0.08 vol.% at 0–1 vol.%
< ±0.3 vol.% at 0–5 vol.%
< ±0.9 vol.% at 0–10 vol.%
< ±4.5 vol.% at 0–30 vol.%
< ±40 vol.% at 0–100 vol.%
< ±2.0 %LEL
< ±0.03 vol.%
< ±4.0 %LEL
< ±200 ppm
< ±0.16 %LEL/°C
< ±4 ppm/°C at 1000 ppm
< ±25 ppm/°C at 0.5 vol.%
< ±40 ppm/°C at 1 vol.%
< ±130 ppm/°C at 5 vol.%
< ±0.08 vol.%/°C at 10 vol.%
< ±0.5 vol.%/°C at 30 vol.%
< ±2.5 %LEL
< ±0.005 vol.%
< ±6.1 %LEL
< ±70 ppm at 1000 ppm
< ±0.04 vol.% at 0.5 vol.%
< ±0.15 vol.% at 5 vol.%
< ±0.15 % rel./mbar
< ±0.16 % rel./hPa