Multiplex control, digits uncoded
In menu item 1 setting 6 is to be selected. The BCD data (D3...D0) and the decimal
point (D4) are applied individually for each digit with their uncoded digit address
(D9...D5) to the respective data inputs and transferred with always one pulse on input
DS to the display [11]. The rising edge of the pulse causes the data to be transferred.
If setting 7 is selected in menu item 1, input DS is without function. The BCD data
(D3...D0) and the decimal point (D4) are transferred directly with always one pulse on
the inputs D9...D5 in the respective digit. The rising edge of the pulse causes the
data to be transferred.
Multiplex control, BCD-packed
In menu item 1 setting 8 is to be selected. The BCD data for two digits (D7...D4 and
D3...D0) is applied with the respective digit addresses (D9...D8) to the respective
data inputs and transferred with a pulse on input DS in the display [12]. The rising
edge of the pulse causes the data to be transferred.
The BCD data is assigned to the decades as follows:
D9 = 0, D8 = 0:
D9 = 0, D8 = 1:
D9 = 1, D8 = 0:
The display will flash when there is an H signal at input F independently of the data at
the inputs D19...D0.
Signal evaluation
The data must be applied to the data inputs for at least 10 ms to allow a reliable
identification. They can be applied simultaneously so that only one program step is
necessary for PLC control. The data on the inputs D10...D19 must be stable over the
pulse duration (approx. 10 ms).
BAL S102 PAR M 1.0
Decades C2, C1
Decades C4, C3
Decade C5