18. Technical data
Operating voltage .................................12 V/DC
Power consumption ..............................max. 65 mA
Current consumption standby ...............28 mA
Loading capacity
OUTPUT 1, OUTPUT 2 ........................max. 3 A, 24 V/DC potential free
Number of codes
which can be saved to OUTPUT 1 .......500 ID cards or 500 user codes
Number of codes
which can be saved to OUTPUT 2 .......500 user codes
Reading distance of ID cards ...............max. 100 mm
Compatible ID cards .............................EM card 125 KHZ
Dimensions (L x W x H) ........................117 x 117 x 21 mm
Weight ..................................................145 g
or via 500 ID cards + user codes together
(e.g. Conrad item number 1656203, 1656202)