These operating instructions are valid for units with the following type code:
S102-xx/xx/0x-00x/0B-S0: Interface RS485/RS232
S102-xx/xx/0x-00x/0B-T0: Interface TTY 20mA/RS232
The 'x's in the model designation indicate the size and design of the units (see
'Technical data').
Units with 14 mm character height (S102-xx/14/0x-00x/0B-xx)
Units with 25 mm character height (S102-xx/25/0x-00x/0B-xx)
BAL S102 SER M 1.0
Character height 14 mm, 4 digits
Character height 14 mm, 6 digits
Character height 25 mm, 4 digits
Character height 25 mm, 5 digits