Heed all instructions in the order in which they are listed to insure proper function and
maximum benefit of seating system is achieved.
Do not seat end user in seating system until indicated in step 4.
1. Have documented results of a Range of Motion (ROM) mat evaluation performed by a
trained healthcare professional. Knowledge of ROM at hip joints, knee joints and
ankles is critical to the proper set up of this seating system. Lack of knowledge of
the ROM of the end user could result in serious injury if the seating system limits are
not set appropriately.
2. Using the QMAC Pendant Programmer operate "System Configuration Reset Chair" fea-
ture (described in section VII: C: Configure Profile: System: d). Operating System
Configuration Reset Chair will return all configurable parameters to factory settings
and will forward you automatically into the "Re-Home Seat" mode (described in sec-
tion VII: C: Configure Profile: System: c). Follow the display's instructions to "Re-
Home" actuators by pressing and holding enter. The Re-Home process will move all
actuators and could take up to one minute to complete.
3. Configure seating system using the QMAC Pendant Programmer as appropriate for end
user (see section VII: C: Configure Profile). Use results of ROM evaluation to deter-
mine appropriate settings for all angles.
a. Recline: Enable, Maximum and Minimum Angle – or Disable. Enable Enhanced
Recline with appropriate angle and threshold – or Disable. (If so equipped)
b. Tilt: Enable, Minimum and Maximum Angle – or Disable. (If so equipped)
c. Left Legrest: Enable, Minimum and Maximum Angle – or Disable. (If so equipped)
d. Right Legrest: Enable, Minimum and Maximum Angle – or Disable. (If so equipped)
e. System: Enable Input Latched – or Disable. Set Drive Lockout, Drive Creep and
Back Rest Limit angles appropriately.
NOTE– Double checking the maximum and minimum angles of all functions using a goniometer to
insure accuracy is recommended.
4. Make all necessary mechanical adjustments to the seating system as appropriate to
fit the end user. These may include:
a. Seat Depth– see section IX: J
b. Back Pivot Point– see section IX: K
c. Back Height– see section IX: H
d. Headrest Position– see section IX: D
e. Lateral Trunk Supports Position– see section IX: C
f. Armrest Position– see section IX: E and F
g. Legrest Position– see section IX: C
h. Other support devices
5. Transfer end user into seating system using safe transfer procedure.
6. Check and adjust, as needed, any configuration limits, as well as support surfaces
and devices.
7. Using the QMAC Pendant Programmer operate the Shear Reduction Program (see sec-
tion VII: C: Shear Program).
8. Operate all actuators through input device(s) to verify appropriate limits and shear
reduction are set as intended. (See section VIII: A, B, C)
9. Instruct end user on safe operation of all actuator functions.
930473 Rev. B
E n g l i s h
V I I . S e t - u p P r o c e d u r e